Chapter 17

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Jaemin smiled at his best friend who looked up at the younger when there was a silence for too long. Jaemin had a big smile on his face, too big with teeth showing and everything.

"What?" Donghyuck sniffled and was confused to why the younger was looking at him like that.

"I'm just so proud of you for realizing that you have feelings for Mark," Jaemin answered, sweetly.

Donghyuck playfully rolled his eyes and sniffled again before a few more tears fell.

"But why does it hurt?" Donghyuck questioned the younger with a fake smile, trying to act like he was okay but Jaemin knew he was not.

Jaemin pulled Donghyuck to lay down with him, cuddling as the older cried again. "Shhh, it'll be alright. I promise."

Meanwhile Mark was in his room, pacing around back and forth. He felt bad for making the younger cry. He did not want Donghyuck to end up crying like that, he could hear the younger's sobs when he went into the bathroom.

A knock banged on Mark's door and he quickly went to open it, dragging Jeno inside it.

"Well hello to you, Mark," Jeno dramatically scoffed as the older continued to pace in his room.

"Woah, Mark. Sit down before you pass out from all that walking in circles," Jeno directed and helped Mark sit on the floor, sitting with him. Yes the floor. It was more comfortable than it looks.

"Jeno, I fucked up," Mark sucked his teeth before saying.

"What do you mean?" His best friend asked.

"You know how I have feelings for Donghyuck and all?" Mark asked as Jeno nodded.

"How could I not know? He's all you talk about!" Jeno stated before imitating the older. "Donghyuck is so cute. Donghyuck is so pretty. I like him soooo much. I'm in love with him. I wish I could be with him. Wh-"

Mark slapped Jeno's arm to which the younger got the hint to be quiet and chuckled a bit.

"Well I wanted to tell Donghyuck how I felt by the end of the semester to play it safe, ya know?" Mark said as his facial expression became looking worriedly and anxious.

"Yeah? Where are you going with this?" Jeno genuinely asked.

"Someone caught us doing, well...some things and recorded it. They sent it to me and threatened me, saying that they'll post it online if I continue seeing Donghyuck," Mark said, rubbing the back of his nape.

"Are you serious right now?! When did you get this message?" Jeno asked.

"Monday morning."

"That is sick, truly sick! Who would record such a thing and threaten to post it?" Jeno was disgusted as Mark was too.

"I don't know but for now, I can't be seen with Donghyuck at all. Not even in my own room because I don't know who's watching each time I open my door. This will hurt him so much if it gets posted online and I can't have that happen," Mark honestly spoke in determination. He was very angry at this person, but until he figures out who is behind it, it will be over for them.

"Why can't you report it to the dean?" Jeno asked as Mark slapped the back of his head.

"How do you think the dean would feel, knowing we violated his school by fucking in a public building, you idiot?! We could get expelled!" Mark exclaimed as Jeno then realized why this was such a huge problem.

"So then how are you going to go about this? There's not much you can do," Jeno admitted as Mark let out a sigh.

"I'm not sure yet, but I'm still trying to come up with a plan," Mark answered and frowned. "Jeno, I miss him. I've been avoiding him since I got the message."

"I know you do," Jeno patted his shoulder. "Don't you think that if you tell Donghyuck about this, it would be easier to handle?"

"No! He can't know, this will ruin him. He's very sensitive and precious and I don't want to hurt him," Mark decline while shaking his head.

"Don't you think that by you avoiding him is hurting him already?" Jeno softly said, rubbing his shoulder as Mark's eyes were welling up.

"I know. I know. But I can't tell him. It's hurting me too," Mark admitted, wiping his eyes immediately with the back of his hands before they spilling tears.

"I've never felt this way before about anyone, but I guess that's because I've liked him all this time." Mark sadly chuckled.

"It's okay," Jeno comforted the older as best as he could, not really sure what else he could say. "I think I can help you track where that message came from."

"Really?" Mark's eyes lit up as Jeno nodded.

"I know someone who's very tech savvy and if I ask, he may help you."

"Oh my god, thank you!" Mark hugged Jeno who's eyes smiled.

"After we track the message down though, you should report it to someone you trust. It doesn't have to be the dean, but you can't do this by yourself. Confronting the person may only trigger them to post it right then and there," Jeno logically stated as a matter of fact which made Mark nod his head.

"When did my best friend become so smart?" Mark jokingly questioned, creating a lighthearted atmosphere for them to laugh.

Back in Donghyuck's dorm room, the older had fallen asleep in Jaemin's arms. The younger gently rubbed his back as Donghyuck slept soundly.

Jaemin felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, trying to dig and grab it without waking up the older. He unlocked his phone and read a message from Jeno, asking if he could go to Mark's room.

Jaemin carefully and cautiously wiggled himself away from Donghyuck, getting off the bed to tip toe across to the bathroom. He shut Donghyuck's door and opened Mark's door, walking inside.

With one hand on his hip and an accusing finger pointing at Mark, Jaemin spoke, "I have a bone to pick with you, mister. You made my Hyuckie cry."

Mark raised his hands defensively as Jaemin stepped closer to the older, however, Jeno slid his body in front of Mark and placed his hands on Jaemin's hips.

"Babe, hold on. Mark is going to explain everything," Jeno promised as Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows, peaking his head over Jeno's shoulder to glare at Mark.

"It better be good," Jaemin said as Jeno moved out of the way to let Mark explain.

Jaemin knew Mark would not be avoiding his best friend without a valid reason. He knew Mark had strong feelings for Donghyuck, but he needed to hear Mark say it out loud for the sake of his best friend in the other room that was sleeping with a dry tear stained face.

And that was when Mark explained everything to Jaemin, which made the younger feel relieved for his best friend.

"I'm so in love with Donghyuck. The last thing I want to do is hurt him. Right now, I just can't tell him about this situation yet until I know it's safe for him," Mark honestly spoke as Jaemin nodded.

"I know you love him and that's why I'm going to help you," Jaemin stated as Jeno clasped their hands together with a smile.

"Thank you so much," Mark expressed his gratitude, hugging both Jaemin and Jeno. "I promise I'm going to explain everything to Donghyuck soon, even about me being such a jerk to him his whole life."


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