Chapter 4

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Donghyuck walked to his dorm instead of going to get dinner at the dinning hall after telling Jaemin he wanted revenge on Mark. He will just make a bowl of noodles in his room because he was not in the mood to run into the older.

With his bowl of noodles cooling off after having poured hot water in it, Donghyuck began brainstorming of something he could do to get back at Mark.

All of the things that he was writing in his notebook were silly, dumb, and childish ideas but Donghyuck did not care.

Some of the ideas he wrote down for example included:

Trip Mark

Piss in his apple juice

Steal his key card to lock him out of his room

Tape a "kick me" sign on his back

Take his gaming system

Wake him up by body slamming him on his bed

Draw a dick on his face while he's sleeping

Lock him in the bathroom with our computer class professor while prof. has diarrhea (ew)

Pay someone on the football team to beat him up

Snitch on him (actually no this will backfire on me terribly) NEVER MIND

Tell his parents he got someone pregnant (Me JK NO EW)

Pour a bucket of legos in front of his door so he can step on it

Donghyuck thought they were pretty good ideas but it was not enough. He needed something bigger. Something that would make Mark so embarrassed to the point where he would never ever forget it ever happened to him.

A light bulb suddenly clicked and flashed inside Donghyuck's brain, remembering how Mark has basketball practice on Monday's through Wednesday's at seven in the evening to about eight. He could use this to his advantage.

He quickly fetched his phone from his pocket and called Jaemin. Once the younger picked up, he spoke.

"Free yourself between 7:30 to 8:30 tomorrow evening. It's gonna be nakey nakey time for Mr. Mark Lee in front of the entire college."

"Hello to you too but uh, Hyuck? What does that mean? We're not doing something illegal right?" Jaemin asked over the line, knowing how Donghyuck can get a little carried away.

"Oh it definitely is legal so relax. Don't you worry about that. Trust me. Just be outside the gym building by 7:30 tomorrow because we have some preparations to do," Donghyuck answered and before Jaemin could respond, the older hung up the phone.

Donghyuck ripped out the piece of paper he was writing on and flipped it over to sketch down his plan for tomorrow evening while smirking and taking a few bites of his noodles every now and then.  

When he finished everything up, he went to shower. Or well, he was going to take a shower but Mark just so happened to be using the bathroom right now. Donghyuck groaned and cursed to himself for taking forever to plan everything before showering first.

Now he has to wait.

After several minutes of waiting, Donghyuck was finally able to take a shower. When he came out, he decided to switch up his pajamas and wear his pink silky Hello Kitty ones for good luck tomorrow.

And with that, Donghyuck went into his bed to sleep, snuggling underneath the covers with his stuffed lion plushie sandwiched between his arms.

The next morning, Donghyuck woke up before his alarm by a half an hour. He was excited to put his plan of revenge into action. He did not care if it was thought to be kiddish, he just needed to get back at his enemy.

He went to the bathroom to use it and brush his teeth and wash his face. He combed his brown fluffy hair so that it was at least tamed a bit. As he was getting ready, he heard Mark on the other side of the door sneezing.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes as Mark always had allergies and paid no mind to him. He exited the bathroom and locked his door behind him as he walked over to his closet to pick out a shirt.

After rummaging through every piece of clothing he owned, he decided on wearing a simple long sleeved brown knitted shirt with a white tank top underneath and black jeans. The front of his shirt was tucked into his pants, revealing his belt.

He ate a nutrition bar and drank some water before leaving his dorm with his backpack, making sure he has his phone, wallet, and key card ID.

He went to his two classes for the day, Accounting and Statistics. He almost fell asleep in both of them even though he had gotten good rest last night. He simply cannot stand accounting. No matter how hard he tried, he just could not understand a single thing about it ANS on top of that, he does not have a single care in the world for it.

He would study and study and do practice journal entries, but no. He would still fail at doing them correctly and he never understood why. He has been seriously considering getting a tutor because he really needs to pass this class, but in reality he is not going to get one because he does good enough.

He is doing well on quizzes and exams, but that is only because his professor would review before the exam a couple days before. Those days would be his crash course days, in which he would force himself to study and memorize every term in order to do okay on the assessments.

This gives him a passing grade anywhere from high 80s to low 90s and he is satisfied. Even if he got somewhere in the 70s, he would not mind either.

A "C" in college is an "A" in high school.

Now statistics was a different story. He understood it, but he was just bored and would often doze off or day dream which causes him to be lost in the chapter. He would then later that day, teach himself how to do the homework problems as a consequence for not paying attention.

He could not help it though, it was his adhd. A lot of people confuse someone having adhd with being hyperactive, but that is not always the case. He has trouble focusing in class. He often forced himself to do so, but sometimes that does not always work.

Mark was present in both of his classes this morning which sucked, but Donghyuck pretended as though Mark did not exist in the world...or at least tried to.

Mark was very adamant—with his runny nose and rosy cheeks—on letting Donghyuck know he was there to torment him throughout class.

But if Donghyuck was being honest, he did not mind it today because Mark had absolutely no idea what would be coming for him later on in the evening...


Any guesses on what childish prank Donghyuck will be pulling on Mark? 💀

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