Chapter 1

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Waking up early on a Saturday morning was something Donghyuck absolutely despised. His weekends were his source of recharge as he would sleep all day, something that he does not get a lot of to begin with because he is constantly doing work for college. The nineteen year old male sucked his teeth and threw his covers off of him, stomping towards the reason for his abrupt awakening.

Mark Lee.

His sworn enemy since his early years in elementary school. He absolutely hated his guts for multiple reasons and Mark waking him up early on the weekend, was one of them.

In his silky yellow bear pajamas, he exited his dorm room with no slippers and walked to the door next to his in the hall to which his enemy just had to live in. His fluffy brown hair was an absolute mess, but he did not seem to care right now as his top priority was kicking Mark's ass. Donghyuck banged his palm against the other's door as he could hear the noise simmer down into what now sounded like annoyed groans that emitted from Mark's mouth.

The door swung open and there Mark was with his bluish gray hair, out open in display with no shirt on to which revealed his eight pack abs and a pair of shorts that hung dangerously low since it revealed his distinct v line. Donghyuck glared his eyes at the twenty year old, making sure they do not drift down to Mark's godly body.

"Do you mind?" Donghyuck sassily spoke, one hand placed on his hip as he glared into Mark's stoic eyes.

"Not at all," Mark answered, slamming the door in Donghyuck's face and blasting the music of a video game he was previously playing.

"Ugh!" Donghyuck pulled the strands of his messy hair, running his hands all over the top of his head before knocking on the door harder to which Mark paused the game again and opened the door with an annoyed expression.

"Stop showing up in front of my dorm," Mark demanded. "I don't need you infecting me with your homosexuality."

"First off, I would not be here right now if you had the human decency to be quieter early in the morning on the weekends!" Donghyuck huffed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Secondly, you and I both know, a little damn too well actually, that we both like dick so fuck kindly off."

Mark inevitably smirked at the younger, leaning over to reach Donghyuck's ear. "Maybe I only like your dick." To which that whisper ended up in a result of Donghyuck kicking the older's shin, causing him to stumble back and hop on his leg that was not hurt.

"Get the hell away from me. I hate you so much," Donghyuck stated as he walked towards his door, turning on his heels to look back at Mark who was in pain to speak. "Keep the noise down." He shot as he walked into his dorm and slammed the door behind him, resting his back against the door to regain his breathing to which was nonexistent for a few seconds during their encounter.

On Mark's side, he smirked before hopping back inside his room and lowered his gaming system so that the younger can get back to obtaining his beauty sleep.

Donghyuck threw himself face front on his bed and buried his head underneath his pillow to fall back to sleep.

This is what Donghyuck has been dealing with for a little over a year now. It never used to be like this though. Mark and Donghyuck had basically grown up with each other being in the same school and classes. The only difference was that Mark would poke fun of him and call him names every chance he got when he saw Donghyuck. He would constantly bully the younger at any given moment that he had the opportunity to. Donghyuck hated him.

Back then, Donghyuck felt too weak to fight back and stand up for himself because of the size difference so he just let it happen. That changed once high school came around. Donghyuck had enough and he would not tolerate Mark pushing him around anymore. And so when Donghyuck finally snapped back one day, Mark was shocked.

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