• Malec shot • Lucky charm •

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Were there many people who believed that crystals had the power to give luck? To change one's fate? Maybe not, but Alec Lightwood was definitely one of those who undoubtedly trusted that kind of magic.

-Okay, final project presentation... This is not just an exam... Is probably the most important thing I have done at university... -His eyes were fixed on the other boy, his hands on the desk.

His friend's curious eyes stared, showed a sweet smile and clear relaxation. He knew exactly what Alec needed.

-Okay, relax, I got it.

He stood up, went to one of the shelves from his shop and mechanicaly, knowing the exact place of everything, took three small purple boxes, which he left on the desk.
Books, more crystals, plants, Quartz lamps and sandalwood scent characterized the place.

Alec's curious eyes were already on them, ready to pay close attention to every detail.

-Tourmalinatez Quartz -Magnus pointed at the box in the left. -Magnifies success. -His finger went to the next box, the one in the center. -Aventurunine, perfect for the moment of taking a new chance or opportunity. -Finally, pointed at the box in the left. -Sunstone, attracks positive energy.

-Okay, thank you...

The moment a clearly impatient Alec tried to take the three boxes, Magnus raised his eyebrows, gently held his wrist.

-Dear, you can't just take them all, it would be like... Putting pizza and orange juice in a blander, horrible. You know that.

Alec rolled his eyes, of course he knew, Magnus had been telling him about crystals and charms since they met seven years ago.

-But this time it is a very important, thing, I...

-You trust me?

Their eyes met, blue and chocolate, already familiar, Magnus' soft touch still against Alec's skin.

Maybe it was due to his nerves, maybe because of how impatient he felt, but his body shivered, he couldn't take his eyes off Magnus', as if for the first time in months, complete calm reached him.

It wouldn't be rare to Alec if Magnus had warlock powers, if with just a touch, could solve any problem. His shop was not just a shop, those crystals inniciated their friendship, they have become so close to each other... Alec thought the very first second they spoke that Magnus was quite magical, and that didn't change, not even a bit.

-I do, I... I trust you... -Finally said, abruptely coming back to reality.

-Good boy.

More than satisfied, Magnus let go of Alec's wrist and started to play with his rings, as his eyes scanned those crystals.

Grey Tourmalinatez Quartz, Aqua Aventurunine, Pink Sunstone... All of them equally magical, powerful...
A great deal of times, had Magnus helped Alec giving him crystals, advicing him, but this time, felt him even more stressed and uneasy, knew how afraid he was of doing wrong or not being good enough, so finally, he took a decision.

-Tourmalinatez Quartz.

And the box was put in Alec's shirt pocket, were Magnus left his hand while smiling at him.

-Thank you, thank you so much... I should go now, but next time, I invite you to...

-Alec... -Magnus smiled, caressed his cheek. -The Quartz helps, but you worked hard on that project... Do not give all the credit to the crytal...

During the pass five months, Alec had a great deal of sleepless nights between books, notebooks, drafts, failed attempts, coffee and chinise food Magnus brought... Magnus perfectly remembered how he heard Alec blaming and punishing himself for falling asleep, for not completing all the information or reaching the appropiate time for the presentation. But never cried, never sourrendered and the final countdown came, in a few hours, he would be able to let go of that heavy weight, of that pressure.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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