• Malec shot • Double date and a snowy bridge •

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AU where Magnus and Alec are best friends and they prepared each other a blind date ⬇️

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AU where Magnus and Alec are best friends and they prepared each other a blind date ⬇️

-Believe me, you're gonna like the person. I thought a lot about it and you'll fit perfectly.

Alec was totally convinced with his words, Magnus not that much. Since his last relationship with a girl called Camille, he wasn't quite sure why he let Alec drag him into dating. Maybe because Alec had also a bad experience with his first boyfriend. Maybe because they were the typical best friends that did everything together.

-Is iit a girl or a boy?

-Boy, a year older. He's studying the same career as you. But come on, it's not a blind date anymore if I tell you everything!

-Okay, okay, fair enough. -Magnus laughed because of Alec's indignant voice tone, it was too adorable.

Before entering the restaurant, he tried to brush with his fingers that rebel strand of hair.

Since they were kids, that was a habit, now Alec was taller, but still, Magnus found a way to reach his hair.

-One day I'm gonna take de scissors... Seriously.

-I don't think the person I'll be meeting will care about it.

-But I do. -Both fondly stared at each other, Alec was about to speak, but Magnus continued. -I do care about my reputation and yours, my darling. I don't think you'd like everyone to think you don't brush your hair.

-I thought you were about to say something nice!

-I did!

Once again, they bursted into laughter and
Alec captured Magnus in his arms, a tight embrace that wouldn't let him scape. Magnus was not surprised, you don't get suprised with habits.

-Wait until we get out of the restaurant, I'm gonna make sure you carry my University books the whole week.

And Magnus knew Alec didn't mean it, since he was the one carrying Magnus' books.

After their little "fight", both entered the restaurant and there, two boys were already chatting.

Alec and Magnus looked at each other, nodded and approached the table.
Quickly, the two boys greeted their friends.

-Magnus, I thought you weren't comming. -The boy with curly hair smiled.

-Of course, it wouldn't be a double date then. Besides, I've been days preparing today's outfit. -Answered Magnus, with a smile. -Enough chatting between us. Andrew, this is Alexander, my best friend, so you better take care of him.

-My pleasure, Alexander.

-Just Alec. -Alec had to force a smile, he only liked Magnus calling him by his full name. Despite that, he quickly and a bit clumsy, hugged Andrew, starting to get nervous. -Well, Lorenzo... -He said, looking and his friend. -This is Magnus, take care of him too.

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