• Shumdario shot • Return to the Shadows •

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Last Monday, in Return to the Shadows, Kat and Dom talked about episode twelve "Malec". Yet, they had a surprise for the Shadowfam.

-Welcome back to another episode of Return to the Shadows, angels. -Kat showed her bright smile, as usual. -And good morning, Dom.

-Good morning, Kat. -He smiled back. -Today on this bonus episode we have special guests, aren't we?

-Of course we are! We know you've been craving for it, Shadowfam, and heaven heard your beggings. -Clearly excited, just like Dom, she kept talking. -Welcome back Harry Shum Jr and welcome for the first time Matthew Daddario!

Dom and Kat started clapping, making both Harry and Matthew laugh, while clapping too, both elated to be there.

-I thought you would never invite me! -Complained Matthew, placing the camera. Technology and him weren't good friends.

-You're always busy, not our fault, buddy! -Replied Dom, pretending to be as indignant as him.

-It's Harry's second time here, clear favoritism.

Everyone laughed at Matt's words, even though they were hanging out virtually, it still felt as those moments when they were together on set, joking and teasing each other.

-Our fans wanted both of you together, we had to invite Harry too. -Replied Kat, smiling at them.

-Nothing beats Malec. -Proud, Harry grinned back, as well as Matt. They both knew perfectly that was the reality.

-Maybe Shumdario, but nothing else.

As soon as Matt said that, Harry bit his lower lip, helplessly smiling. Shumdario, as well as Malec, was kind of magical.

-Okay, so now... Matt, tell everyone why you decided to apply for Alec's rol. -Dom waited for his answer, smiling although he already knew it.

-Actually I'm not a big fan of books, but Shadowhunters called my attention and I felt a special connection with Alec, you know? Like we were pretty similar.

-Awww, love at first sight. -Kat giggled, as Matt nodded.

-There you go. -He chuckled too. -Besides, I wanted to play a main character and knowing all the struggles that boy had made me realise it wasn't going to be easy, but that made it more interesting.

-That's so beautiful... -Kat, just like Dom and Harry, agreed on how tender Matt's explanation was. His way of thinking always puzzled them -But the series wasn't the first time applying for Alec's rol, right?

When Kat asked that, both Harry and Matt bursted into laughter. Everyone from the cast knew the story, but not the whole of it.

-It wasn't... Wanna tell the rest, Harry? -Matt watched Harry through the screen, raising his eyebrows.

-My pleasure. -They shared a complicit smile and started to tell the story. -For those of you who doesn't know, both Matt and me wanted to play Alec and Magnus in the movie, City of bones. We went to the casting, but never had the opportunity to chat! By chances of destiny, we encountered again at the series and it wasn't until we talked that we didn't realised we had met before.

That memory was kept by Matt and Harry inside their hearts as a special treasure, as something they would always proudly tell. Not many people had a oportunity to talk to that special someone.

-You guys were definitely meant to be. Fight me, but what happened to these to, is not a coincidence. -Said Dom, while watching Harry and Matt. He secretly, and maybe not too secretly, strongly believed his buddies where made for each other.

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