Shumdario shot - After THOS4 convention

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Remember Shumdario reuniting again on THOS4? Read and find out what happened after that! ⬇️

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Remember Shumdario reuniting again on THOS4? Read and find out what happened after that! ⬇️

After all this time he felt the same way, his eyes betrayed him. Maybe Matthew could hide his feelings, but whenever he looked at Harry, it was more than obvious how much he loved him, how much he had missed him. Yet, he felt like a coward for not being able to touch him, hug him the way he wanted. He just got lost on those dark brown owns, in his brilliant and sincere laugh.
It was true they talked via WhatsApp frequently, still, being together again, talking about the show, taking pictures with the fans... Everything made him remember every Malec's kiss, every moment together after the show, when they just chatted about silly topics while eating.
Oh god, Matthew was a hopeless romantic, falling in love over and over again, missing a guy he couldn't be with. But that was the right thing, just toe to the line, be Harry's friend. So many years, and still craving for his touch.

-You know he's still here, right? He'll leave the hotel tomorrow morning.

Matthew wasn't expecting Nicola in the terrace of the hotel, but knew exactly what she was talking about.

-It's late, he must be sleeping. -Matt observed the moon, grabbed stronger the railing of the terrace. The Eiffel Tower shined beautifully.

-He was just talking to Kat, he must be in his room by know.

Nicola got closer to Matt, he had the courage to face her. She always noticed the chemistry between Matt and Harry, understood perfectly those behaviours around each other and never judged.

-Sweetheart... -She took Matt's hands. -It's now or never, you've already waited too long.

-Some people are not destined to be together.

-That's true... But you are. Everytime I look at you, I see love, reciproque one. Look... I know It's not easy, but you are not gonna lose him. And we are all standing by you. Love shouldn't be hidden, it must be shared and enjoyed.

Matt stayed silent for few seconds, then sighed.

-Harry's room is number is...?

An enormous smile of proudness appeared on Nicola's face.

-170. Oh god... -She hugged Matt tightly, rubbing his bad. -Mama Lightwood will always be proud.

-Thank you... Thank you so much. -Matt hugged her to, smiled and let himself relax a bit. -I must be crazy.

-Crazy in love, which is great.

Both of them gave each other a smile and moments later, Matt got the strength to go to Harry's room.
Right after knocking, he opened the door, received Matt with a smirk and let him in.

-Thought you were sleeping.

-I... I couldn't.

-Are you all right? -Harry seemed worried. -Tired after the convention?

-No... Not really... -Matthew inhaled, looked directly at Harry's eyes and again, those butterflies appeared on his stomach. -I wanted to talk with you.

-Of course, tell me. -Without any doubt, Harry offered the other boy a sit, but he refused. There was no coming back.

-Harry... I... I'm sorry if this is strange but I... Missed you.

Matt was never akward, he always knew what to say, that nervous actitude was the weirdest thing for Harry.

-I missed you too... But you know we can keep in touch and...

-That's not what I mean... -His big hazel eyes made Harry anxious too. -What I want to say is that I don't want to go back to my common life, where I can't have you, where I'm not able to hear your voice and your laught. That's not enough, I want endless conversations, I...

At that point, Harry was astonished, wordless. Was that a dream? Too much wine with Kat?


-Let me finish, please. -Harry nodded and Matt continued. -All this years I waited for the perfect moment but that never came... I wanted to tell you that I... I've completly fallen in love with you. I wished you could understand and feel everything I keep bottled up in my heart.

-Maybe there's a way...

Matt had already given the first step, Harry thought it was high time for him to do the same. Undoubtedly, Matthew needed explanations, Harry never ceased to amaze him.
Harry came closer, grabbed shyly Matt's shirt, looked up at his lips, his eyes. It only took him few seconds to kiss Matt. His lips were even more wonderful than he recalled, he even smiled while kissing him.
Fortunately, Matt was able y cup Harry's face in his hands and kiss him back with all that he had.
Malec's kisses were great, but his and Harry's tasted like heaven.

-I think we understand each other's feelings perfectly... -Harry muttered, centimitres away from Matt's lips. -I love you too, I've been doing it years.

-Well, maybe we can kiss again. Just to make sure we truly understand.

-What are you waiting for then?

-You were all I was waiting for.

-Now you don't have too. Forever I'm yours, forever I do.

Both smiled, their eyes shining, their bodies finally together, their lips collading again in a sweet and passionate kiss.
Paris was the city of love, that was true, but they were not gonna hide anymore, every city, every place will witness their love.
They were gonna recover lost time and make the most of every moment.
Love was too beautiful for not to be shown.

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