Chapter fifty ( Happy ending )

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After saying YES to each other out loud, our two protagonists were finally officialy married. They were over the moon and felt so happy that day. That was the beginning of a long new trip for life that they would do hand in hand together.

When they finally finished the wedding ceremony , that was time for the huge party that everyone were actually waiting for.

Tae: I'm so hungry.. Tae complained hands holding Jungkook 's. He sighed and pouted turning to him.

JK: Just wait more minutes. We will eat soon.

Tae: Plus, the veil Is sooo looong.

JK: Hah. Hormones?

Tae: Yeah. Taehyung nodded and turned to his parents. They congratulated him. Mrs Kim held him so tight that he felt suffocating.

Tae: I knooow. I am happy too mom. He said leaving a small chuckle. She kissed his cheek and caressed his hair.

Mrs Kim: Be happy Darling.
Mr Kim: We wish you the best.

Tae: Thank you.

Mr Kim: I know you've been taking good care of him until now so continue Jungkook. We trust you.

Jungkook nodded with his head and turned to Yeri who ran to them with her boxy smile.

JK: Hey!!

Yeri: " Congratulations Appa for marrying such an incredible person as my mommy. "

They all giggled. She was right. He was the lucky one there.

Tae: How are you feeling Yeri?

Yeri: " I have never felt so happy. "

Taehyung smiled and kissed her forehead.

Tae: Go with your cousins sweetheart and be sage. Okay? Can I trust you?

The little girl nodded with a smile and walked away. They reached the place for the party and took seats. Smiles couldn't leave the guests' faces.

After eating a lot. That was time for the couple to dance their slow. Jungkook didn't waste time and asked for Taehyung 's hand who gave it gladly and they walked to the dance floor with everyone's cheers.

Jungkook slowly held Taehyung 's waist as the latter wrapped his hands slowly around his shoulder.

Tae: Don't pull me too close. Yebin might suffocate.

JK: Aish. She is strong enough. I just want to hold my husband tight.

Tae: *chuckles* Okay.

They balanced their feet following the rhythm of the music and kissed each other from time to time.

Then, when the last line of the romantic song ended, everyone joined them couple by couple.

They spent a marvelous day together and it was already very late.

Around 11 pm.

YG: I can't actually believe they are finally married after so long.

JM: And after all the fights they had. That was intense during years. They were hopeless.

HS: Right. Hahaha.

Taehyung smiled and held Jungkook 's hand gently.

JM: I mean, there was even time when Hoseok had feeling for Taehyung.

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