Chapter sixteen ( love?)

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🖤 Chapter 16 🖤

Jimin entered the restaurant holding his jacket and bag in his arms. He looked around and a huge smile curved on his lips when he spotted the boy's face.

JM: You there!

Yoongi turned stralted and smiled widely when he saw Jimin standing behind him.
Not letting him say a single word, Jimin jumped in his arms and kissed his cheeks. It's been years that they didn't see each other and that was a very overwhelming in emotions  moment..

JM: God... I missed you so much.. It's been a while that I didn't see this kitten face of yours. HAHAHA.

Yoongi stood up and held his waist before kissing him deeply on the lips without minding everyone's eyes in the restaurant.

Then, he connected their foreheads and caressed his hair.

YG: How have you been Jimin?

JM: Good.. Don't you call me hyung anymore? Jimin said in the edge of tears. He just held the younger boy tighter and burried his face on his shoulder..

YG: You know I won't call you hyung.

JM: Haha.

YG: Are you hungry? He asked brushing Jimin's lips with his finger.  A little touch that made Jimin's heart beat even faster.

YG: So?

JM: Yeah... Your treat?

YG: Of course.

JM: Okay then!  I'm gonna eat aloooot. He exclaimed as he sat on the chair  and fixed his Bangs.

Young followed him by the eyes and chuckled.

Why was he so adorable?


Jimin just got out of his office and went to the library. He needed to check on something.

JM: Maria?

- Oh. Mr Park how are you?  The bookseller asked as she removed her glasses and smiled.

JM: I am just here to see if my author's last book is selling well?  Haha.

- Ohh. Don't worry about that. People seems to like it a lot.

JM: really?

- yeah.

JM: Cool. He said happily and began to walk around in the library. He stopped a moment and took a book in his hand.

JM: Right...I have finished reading my novel.. Shall I buy a new one? Mmmmm.

Then, he raised his eyes and turned to his right to find a boy reading the book he went to check on..

JM: take it.

- Ah?

JM: This is a very good novel. Try it.

- Oh. Hum... Yeah. I find the plot interesting.

JM: I know. Hahaha.

- have you already read it?
JM: I know it by heart.

- Oh wao.

Jimin giggled and finally decided to take a novel to read at home.

- mmmm.. Agatha Christie? Interesting choice.

HE USED TO LOVE MEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin