Chapter forty ( Triangle )

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Taehyung still smelled Jungkook's perfume on his clothes. They were so glued tight in the elevator. The boy was still in a state of shock.

Tae: Was that on purpose or was it really because of the people coming in?? he continued to wonder for hours that followed.

He put their ideas in place and tried to concentrate on his work but nothing to do.

Jungkook upset him deeply.

Tae: AISH! WHY?!!! He suddenly screamed causing everyone around him to jump.


Tae: sorry sorry. I'm just.. Hah. Anyway.

He paced in his office and looked out to Jungkook's  few meters away. When the later lifted his eyes and met his own, he turned sharply and bumped into the door.

Tae: Shit...he swore, stroking his forehead.

JK: Omo.

Tae: ouch..

Jungkook got up and walked towards him when Jimin arrived.

JM: Are you okay??

Tae: Yeah.. he said moaning in pain. I just banged my head against the fucking door.

JM: What were you doing??

Tae: Oh? I was spyi.. I mean.. nothing. I didn't do anything.. I just..Forget.

Jimin held his arm and examined his forehead where a bruise was forming.

JM: You're really stupid sometimes Taehyung. Look.. Aish. I'll bring you an ice cube. You don't move from here huh.

Tae: I'll be fine.. ahh!

JM: What a silly boy. Go inside and wait for me.

Taehyung nodded and got in gently.

Jungkook sighed and got back to his seat. He left a little chuckle at Taehyung 's cuteness and began to type on his keyboard.

Jimin came back after some minutes with the ice and put it on Taehyung 's forehead as he sat in front of him.

JM: you look flustered.

Tae: OF COURSE I AM!  He cried out.

Jimin flinched and crossed his arms.

JM: Why?? 

Tae: It's Jungkook. He makes me feel embarassed and whenever I meet him I loose my mind the minute after. My heart beats so fast and I can't breath,

Jimin listened to him complaining like a little child during ten long mimutes and giggled.

Tae: what now?

JM: You are just In love. That's all.

Tae: No I am not. It ended years ago.

JM: Don't lie. You are not good at it.

Tae: I am not.. Hah.. I have works to do.

JM: why?  Because you are finally working now?  Hahaha.

Tae: Chim.

JM: what?  Listen Tae. If he doesn't mean anything to you anymore. Why are you so.. Frustrated about his presence?

Tae: Because he is my ex and that's normal!

JM: That's normal if you guys broke up a week ago. You broke up four years ago!

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