Chapter five ( I missed you)

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🖤 Chapter 5 🖤

- Jungkook?  The girl approached the boy shyly.

She smiled and lowered her head. Her cheeks were as red as tomatoes and her hands were trembling.

JK: Why did you make me come in here Mijin?  This is late and everyone already left. If it's about the book I borrowed to you. Don't worry. I will return it back soon.

She raised her eyes slowly and bite her lips making Jungkook even more puzzled about what was happening.

MJ: No.. It's not about that... Hum.. I just wanted to tell you something.. Here. She said handing him an envelop.

Jk: What is that?

MJ: Just take it and... Read it.. Then, tomorrow, come to me and.. Tell me what you think.

Jungkook held the envelop and turned it.

" For kookie"

JK: What...

But when he raised his head , Mijin already left running as if her life depended on it.

JK: why is she so weird?

He pouted and put the thing inside his bag not to lose it. Then, he walked home.

He entered the house and saw his mom standing in the kitchen hand on the chest. She was not moving.

JK: mom?

Mrs Jeon flinched. She smiled and ran to Jungkook to kiss his cheek and give him a hug.

JK: Are you okay?
Mrs Jeon: Mmm. I am okay. How was school today?

JK: that was... Boring.

His mother laughed slightly and patted his hair.

JK: Where is dad?

Mrs Jeon: He is still at work. He said that they had more works for today so he will be back late.

JK: ah. Okay.

Mrs Jeon: Are you hungry?

JK : yeah. What did you cook?

Mrs Jeon: Soup.

Jk: Mmm. Okay.

Mrs Jeon: Go wash your hands first.
JK: Okay.

Jungkook went to wash his hands and put his bag in his room. Taehyung was not at home yet. His window was not opened.

JK: I wonder where he is.

He changed quickly and joined his mommy downstairs. They began to eat their dinner calmly.

Some moments after, he was back in his room.

He remembered suddenly about the thing Mijin gave him and pulled it out from his bag.

Then, he sat on the chair and sighed.

JK: What is this? He wondered as he opened the envelope and found a paper inside.

It was a letter...

A love letter.

He began to read and was a bit shocked. That was the first time he received those kind of letter and that was weird.

JK: Mijin is in love with me?

He sniffed and looked up. Taehyung's window opened. His eyes widen and he put down the letter on the table as he stood up and waved at the older.

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