Chapter thirty nine ( elevator )

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Taehyung looked at the two men to his right and his left and lowered his head. He's never been in such an awkward situation before. He didn't know what to say and his legs started to shake.

Tae: I'll.. I think I'll go with.. Jimin. He finally said softly but loud enough for the two men to hear..

Tae: I'm.. hah.. I'll go then. Bye. He said and left from there. When he reached his car, he turned around a bit to look at Jungkook and decided to leave for good.

Jungkook watched his car drive away and sighed. He really wanted to talk to Taehyung about everything that happened. It ended so quickly

Then He and Changho looked at each other.

JK: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your conversation. He said turning on his heels to go back to his office.

Suddenly, Changho called him..

CH: You are the ex. Aren't you?

JK: What? hmm.. I guess so. He said with a small laugh.

CH: My name is Changho.

JK: Jungkook. nice to meet you. Him.. I have to go. Bye. He said and walked away not wanting to hear what he was going to say next.

"I'm Taehyung's boyfriend." Or something like that.

Changho watched him walk towards the door and scratched his nose. He sighed and walked back to his car.

As for Taehyung,

He couldn't stop his heart from beating so fast and hard. He held his chest and tried to breathe normally. He was frustrated with Jungkook's presence. It's always difficult or weird to see your ex again. especially when you know, that you still love him and that part of you wants him near you..

That was the case of our dear Taehyung.

Tae: Damn...

He calmed down after a few minutes and took his phone to call Jimin who must still be at work.

Tae: Jimin?

[ where are you?? I'm looking for you everywhere to go eat together.]

Tae: I left before everyone. Could you join me at our usual restaurant?

Jimin nodded and hung up the phone. He knew how Taehyung was feeling at that exact moment. He took his car and drove towards the famous place. When he arrived, he saw Taehyung inside. He seemed distressed and anxious. He sighed and walked over to his table.

JM: Hi you.

Tae: you are here?

JM: So? he said while sitting in front of his friend.

Tae: I won't survive.

Jimin put his bag next to him and leaned towards Taehyung.

JM: what's the problem? You are the one who ended your relationship. You cut ties with him. You haven't spoken to each other for years. Time has passed right? You both took different paths.

Taehyung lowered his head and just held back his tears.
Jimim noticed his friend's distress and held his hands tight.

JM: What would you do if he already had someone? better to forget and move on. Am I wrong ?

Tae: I'm trying.. Taehyung said with a tear escaping from his eye. But I used to love him so much that seeing him hurts me.

JM: You are stronger than that. If you separated,must have been destiny.  You can live without him.

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