A bullet proof glass began to rise out of the ground high enough to cover those seated around the arena. Only military personnel remained in the stands as everyone else was escorted away.

The round continued as the remaining four members of the squad moved around to clear the rooms. An old man jumped the leopard anthro getting a good hit in the chest before ultimately being gunned down by the bear's shotgun.

The camera footage showed the man collapsing immediately after being launched back by the weapon. The bear then faced the leopard. It was quickly discovered that the old man was in possession of some blade, the blood spurting out of the leopard's chest as he stumbled backward trying his best to breathe. While on the ground the bear rushed to his side trying to help him keep the pressure on the wound but it was no use. The wound was fatal.

An X appeared over the man's picture while another two X's appeared over the leopard and missing wolf. No canons were sounded as the announcer must have shut them off.

The team made their way towards the bomb room while the other human made its next move. A few rounds echoed out as the other wolf was gunned down from behind. The camera went dark as the second wolf's point of view disappeared.

"Looks like Artemis has a military combatant to kill, the guy can't possibly be special forces or police." Cassandra commented while having another drink.

'Why is nobody doing anything? Anthros are getting killed and people are still treating this like it's an exercise or test they can't intervene in.' The questions only grew as the timer slowly ticked down.

It was a two on two scenario where the next person to fall would change the match's outcome drastically.

"Bomb defusal almost complete." The automated voice sounded off, causing the pair inside to hasten themselves.

All that was left was the bear and dragon as they finally reached the door leading to the room where the bombs were stored.

With a quick couple of shots to the door's hinges the bear kicked her way into the room causing a smaller human to back away against the wall.

"Bombs defused, defenders win." The automated voice echoed over the remaining silent crowd.

A quick shot echoed from the dragon's assault rifle killing the smaller human. A X appeared over the young girl's face as all that remained was the new human.

"That's never happened before." Cassandra uttered with surprise.

The dragon and bear looked at each other in disbelief. They were expected to win, how could they lose to such low life beings? They even outnumbered them! The bear started to viciously thrash around the room destroying anything not made of cement or concrete.

"Embarrassing, not even me on a bad day would act so childishly." Lyra said with a chuckle.

Now that the 'game' was considered over, most of the audience looked to the announcer who was speaking into a small microphone inside his podium atop his small booth. The dragon on the inside raised a hand to his helmet, apparently taking instructions. After the announcer was done the dragon moved his hand from his helmet and visor down to his weapon directing it towards the canisters. With a small pop a bullet was fired hitting the small makeshift canister blowing a hole in the side.

A white gas started to emerge from the new exit created by the dragon as it spread across the room. The dragon anthro then pulls a gas mask over his head, throwing a spare to the bear. They both readied themselves as they weren't alone in the building.


Deciding to stay together the dragon and bear slowly crept around the building's second floor as the gas slowly filled out the adjacent rooms. Sooner or later the human would be forced to turn up as he would either succumb to the gas or die fighting the pair.

A Hybrid's Retribution (Old)Where stories live. Discover now