62 - Thanks for the concern

Start from the beginning


Cassidy and Elijah were in the courtyard. The pregnant siphon was watching as Elijah tried to call Rebekah.

"Rebekah is not answering her calls."

"You worried about whoever killed those daywalkers still being out there?" Cassidy asked, she'd overheard Klaus and Elijah's conversation earlier about two day walkers being murdered in the cauldron without a stake and with their heart still in tact. They were just dead, and no one knew how. All they had was a weird magical symbol carved into their foreheads. It was putting the Mikaelsons all on edge... a potential new threat.

Before Elijah could respond, he noticed a daywalker, Thierry, drinking alone at a table and joined him.

"Thierry, is it?"

"That's right."

"Have you seen my sister, by any chance? I hear you two were doing some business together."

"She asked me to keep an eye out on witch stuff." Thierry sighed. "I found something, and when I showed her, we were jumped by some guy. He desiccated her with his touch."

"Why would you just leave her there?" Cassidy asked, concerned.

"What was I supposed to do, fight some warlock that took out an Original?" Thierry snapped at her, causing Elijah to grab him in a choke hold.

"Watch your tone. Now... where was this, exactly?"

"The docks, warehouse 57." Thierry choked out. "I was just doing what she asked. You cannot tell Klaus about this."

Elijah waited a moment before snapping Thierry's neck and allowing his body to drop to the floor.

"I shall take that into consideration."

"I'm coming with you." Cassidy insisted.

"No." Elijah immediately shook his head. "Stay here, where you and the babies are safe."

"Bekah is my mate! I'm going." Cassidy argued. Elijah paused for a moment and sighed, understanding her reasoning for wanting to go.

"Do not leave my sight. Understand?"

Cassidy smiled and nodded, and the two left for the docks.


Cassidy and Elijah arrived to where Rebekah's body was left and immediately ran toward her.

"Bekah!" Cassidy yelled in worry. She went to kneel next to her, but couldn't cross the barrier made by the salt. "What is this?"

"Some kind of boundary spell. Someone is channeling her." Elijah informed. "Typically, it's a lethal process, but because she's an Original, she can't die. Instead, she's an endless source of power."

"So what are we supposed to do?" Cassidy asked him. Elijah turned to her, worry pooling in his eyes.

"We have to get her out of there."


A panicked Elijah was on the phone with Sophie and was trying to figure out how to break the magical boundary.

"You're not listening. We cannot enter the circle. There's some kind of confinement spell... if I can't remove her, we can't break the link."

"It's a convoluted spell. It's like a witch's recipe. You can spoil the balance by adding a more potent ingredient. A mystical binding agent. I don't know, volcanic ash, rock salt... anything up to and including eye of newt."

"What about the blood of a witch?"

"Do you have the blood of a witch?"

Cassidy takes the phone from Elijah, holding it up to her ear.

"Well, I'm not exactly a witch, but if I siphon some of Elijah's magic beforehand, I technically will be... as much as I hate that. It will only take a drop of blood, and I'm the happy volunteer."

"But Cassidy, you can't siphon magic during your pregnancy. You've already done it a number of times, risking the lives of your children."

"I would never hurt my babies on purpose, Sophie. I'll be careful. I won't siphon much."

"...okay, have at it. But like you said, be careful."

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the concern." Cassidy hung up the phone before turning to Elijah, who held out his arm. Once Cassidy siphoned only a tiny bit from him so she had proper magic in her system, she offered her wrist to Elijah, and he gingerly bit it to draw blood, the moment rather intimate for both of them.

They walked towards the magic circle together. Elijah held out Cassidy's wrist and let the blood fall on the magic boundary line. It started to fizzle and deteriorate. Elijah was able to get through, and he quickly picked up Rebekah and took her out of the circle. He reached for his mate's hand, and when Cassidy took it, Elijah vamp-sped out of there with Rebekah and Cassidy in tow.


Klaus gives a speech to the crew of vampires in the compound, and Cassidy was also present.

"Not long ago, you united against me. You failed. Since then, in my benevolence, I have wiped the slate clean. Yet, it seems clear you think that I am the one who needs to earn your respect, your loyalty. You're mistaken. It is you who must prove yourselves to me. Our community is under attack. I require soldiers. I need warriors, not cowards. Each of you has a decision to make. You either fight alongside me or you leave now."

"We don't owe you anything. If staying in the Quarter means living under your rule, I'd just as soon get the hell out." Thierry piped up first. Klaus watched as a handful of vampires joined Thierry and walked out of the compound. Thierry looked at Diego in hopes that he'd come along, but he gave him a pained look and stayed behind.


Afterwards, Marcel, Cassidy, and Klaus talked with Sophie in the study upstairs.

"I got to admit, I thought you'd lose a lot more guys than that." Marcel told Klaus.

"Well, good riddance to them, I say. We've no room for slackers or cowards in our kingdom." Klaus smirked. "Now, let's move on to the next item of business, shall we, with a little help from our dear friend Sophie."

"I got no reason to help you, and I sure as hell don't have a reason to help him." Sophie snapped, looking from Klaus to Marcel.

"And Cassidy?"

"Cassidy doesn't need my help, nor does she want it!"

"I second that." Cassidy nodded, causing Sophie to shoot her a look.

"Now, now, don't be difficult, love. You'll only live as long as you're of use to me, and right now, your best use is to explain why a witch I killed a hundred years ago has come back for revenge." Klaus said.

"Come on. Resurrected witches with vast power? It's the Harvest. Four girls were meant to die and be reborn. I don't know how, but someone jacked that power, and they used it to bring back four witches..." Sophie sighed. "Just not the right ones."

"The Harvest? What the hell is that?" Cassidy questioned. Sophie looked down and didn't respond, knowing that the only reason that Cassidy didn't remember the Harvest was because Davina was involved in it... and Cassidy still had no recollection whatsoever of Davina Claire.

"Let's concentrate on the immediate problem, shall we?" Klaus changed the subject so none of them had to explain everything to Cassidy. "Papa Tunde wants revenge. He'll continue to attack us, channeling power from the vampires he sacrifices. As he kills, he grows more dangerous. So how do I end him?"

"He needs sacrifices to gain power. You keep him from killing any more nightwalkers, that's a start." Sophie shrugged.

"Unless he finds the one place with a load of vampires ready to be sacrificed." Cassidy chimed in, her eyes widening a fraction. They all looked at each other with a look of dawning realization.


After dropping Cassidy off safely to her bedroom, Klaus and Marcel arrived at the garden only to discover that they were too late. All of the vampires were dead, sacrificed by Papa Tunde.

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