Practice-Monogomous/Monogamy (Mono)

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• Monogomous •

(There were a couple other flags but they all looked like the polyam flag, so I'm using this one) The Monogomous flag is a flag consisting of three stripes, all different colors and a purple, upside down triangle in the middle

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(There were a couple other flags but they all looked like the polyam flag, so I'm using this one) The Monogomous flag is a flag consisting of three stripes, all different colors and a purple, upside down triangle in the middle.

The literal definition of Monogomous is:

"Having a sexual relationship with only one partner at a time."

In lamest terms, this means that you date only one person at a time, the opposite of polyamory.

If you are Monogomous, you are NOT a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Its just like polyamory. If you identify as something in the LGBTQIA+ community, then yes, you are apart of it, but being straight and Monogomous does not make you apart of it.

Monogomous people are allowed to experiment and try out new things like polyamory, and so are polyamorous people.

Monogamy is a common practice today. Most of the world is Monogomous.

Monogamy is a lot less complicated than polyamory, but that does not make it better.

For example, let's say that Beth and Seth are in a relationship. Neither of them want anyone else in the relationship and only want it to be just them, so it is Monogomous. They are allowed to experiment and such, but they are still Monogomous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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