Sexuality-Heterosexual (Straight)

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• Heterosexual •

The heterosexual flag is the one above

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The heterosexual flag is the one above. It is a plain black and white striped flag.

This flag just represents heterosexuality and nothing else. This flag shows that they are not in the LGBTQIAP+ community, and do identify as straight.

You may also see the straight ally flag (the one below), which is just the straight flag with a rainbow triangle on it.

This represents that while they are not in the LGBTQIAP+ community and do identify as straight, they still respect and care for those who are in the community and may not be straight

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This represents that while they are not in the LGBTQIAP+ community and do identify as straight, they still respect and care for those who are in the community and may not be straight.

Heterosexual (straight) is the sexual attraction to people of the opposite gender (male and female). A heterosexual man is sexually or romantically attracted to women, while a heterosexual woman is sexually or romantically attracted to men.

Both partners in the relationship do not have to be straight in order for it to be a straight relationship. For example, say a bisexual women is sexually attracted to a straight man (or vise versa). This is still a straight relationship, but that doesn't mean that they are both straight. In order for it to be a straight relationship, there must be a male and a female present in the relationship. Sexual orientation does not matter as long as the opposite gender is dating the opposite gender.

There may be more than 2 people in this relationship as well! They still must all be only dating the opposite sex for it to be a heterosexual relationship, though. That doesn't mean that it is just a straight relationship, either. There may be straight relationships within the relationship, but the combined relationships in the relationship must all be heterosexual in order for it to be a fully straight relationship.

For example (to make it easier to understand, I'm going with smaller numbers), say there were two people, a boy and a girl, who were in a relationship with each other. The girls name was Jane and the boys name was John. John liked this other girl, whose name was Reece, but he didn't want to leave Jane for her. Instead, he wanted to add her to the relationship. Jane didn't want to date Reece, but she was okay with John dating her. So, John was dating two women, Reece and Jane, and they were both only dating him, not each other. So, the combined relationships would still be straight.

Therefore, there can be more than one relationship in the relationship, but it still must be only guy and girl for it to remain heterosexual.

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