Practice-Polyamorous/Polyamory (Polyam)

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• Polyamorous •

The polyamorous flag is a flag consisting of only three stripes, all different colors

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The polyamorous flag is a flag consisting of only three stripes, all different colors.

This other version of the polyamorous flag (I believe the last one is the old flag, this one is the new one but I'm not completely sure) is a flag consisting of three stripes and the pi symbol

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This other version of the polyamorous flag (I believe the last one is the old flag, this one is the new one but I'm not completely sure) is a flag consisting of three stripes and the pi symbol.

The literal definition of polyamorous is:

"the practice of engaging in multiple romantic (and typically sexual) relationships, with the consent of all the people involved."

In lamest terms, polyamory is a relationship or several with multiple people. It means that you Date multiple people at the same time.

You don't have to be polyamorous! Polyamory is not for everyone, but that doesn't mean that you should bash others for it. If you don't think you're polyamorous, you're most likely monogamous, which just means that you're most comfortable dating one person at a time! 

Polyamory comes in MANY different forms. There's gay polyamory, straight polyamory, both and neither. Polyamory is a basically a whole spectrum on its own.

Polyamory is NOT part of the LGBTQIA+ community. That means that if you're straight but polyamorous you're NOT a part of the community.

Polyamory and Polygamy are not the same thing, but are closely related. Polygamy is just polyamory but you're married to your partners. In polyamory, you don't have to be married.

Polyamory is a common practice in many religions. Even animals do it, so there's no need to feel greedy or selfish identifying as it.

I think I've given a couple examples in previous chapters, but you don't have to date everybody in the polyamorous relationship!

So, for example, lets say we have a polycule (polycule is just another name for a polyamorous relationship. It basically mixes the word polyamorous and molecule because when you draw out the polyam relationship it resembles a molecule). In this polycule, there is five people. Sam (female), Beth (female), Jay (Male), Seth (male), and Miles (Male).

Try to stay with me, this can get confusing. First off, everybody in this relationship must consent to their partners and possibly them dating others as well as their partners. If everybody does not consent, then that would be cheating. But don't get it twisted! Polyamory is not cheating, it is all consensual if done correctly.

Anyway, back to our polycule. So, Seth and Beth are the Original couple. They've discussed their likes and Beth wants to date other people. Seth consents to this and Beth invites Sam to join their relationship. Seth is not attracted to or dating Sam, but Sam ans Seth are both dating Beth. Seth wants to date other people as well, and Beth and Sam both consent to this. Although Sam is only dating Beth, Seth still has to get consent from her because she is part of the relationship. I guess in some situations you could say they have a platonic relationship, but that's for another day. Seth invites his friends, Miles and Jay, who are already dating each other to join his relationship. Everybody in the polycule consents to this.

I know it's a lot but stay with me. So, Seth is dating Beth, Miles, and Jay. Beth and Sam are dating. Sam is ONLY dating Beth, but Beth is dating both Seth and Sam. Miles and Jay are only dating Seth, but they are still a part of the relationship.

There are different types of polygamy too! Polygyny is the marriage of one man to multiple women (this practice is very common in several religions, probably the most common form of polygamy). Polyandry is the marriage of multiple men to one women (the less common version of polyamory).

Hopefully this wasn't too much to understand. If you need more, I'd be happy to answer any questions you have!

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