61 - Resurrect your chosen ones

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"Why would you do that?" Cassidy furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "She didn't need calming down. She was fine when I left her. What happened?"

"I..." Rebekah hesitated. "I told her that she needed to complete the harvest and she sort of had a break down over it. I had to sedate her, gorgeous."

"Why would you tell her that?" Cassidy sighed. "It's fine, she was bound to find out eventually. I'll go check in on her."

Rebekah nodded and slowly walked off. Cassidy, with a sigh, walked into Davina's bedroom to see her fast asleep.

"Enough is enough." The pregnant siphon quietly told herself, vowing to protect Davina, always. She walked over, pulling the IV of sedatives out of Davina's arm, but she wouldn't be able to carry Davina out of the place. She wasn't strong enough, and her pregnant belly wouldn't allow it, either. I got you. I got you right here. "Marcel?" She called out, and in seconds, Marcel vamp sped into the room.

"What is it? Is she okay?"

"I need your help." Cassidy told. Marcel was the only other person who loved Davina as much as she did. "We need to protect her."

"Whatever the cost." Marcel nodded, walking over to Davina and carefully lifting her up, the three of them leaving together.


Davina woke up confused, and looked around anxiously to find she was in a storage locker. When she saw Cassidy sitting next to her, she calmed down and threw herself into her girlfriend's arms, hugging her tightly. That was until she spotted Marcel, turning to use her magic against him, but Cassidy was quick to intervene.

"It's okay, Vina. He's not gonna hurt you. He's with us."

"It's true." Marcel sighed. "All I want to do is keep you alive, I swear."

"I'm scared." Davina admitted, her voice shaking. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

"You're not alone. We'll fix this." Marcel reassured softly, crouching down beside Cassidy and Davina.

"You guys won't let them hurt me?" Davina asked, tears flooding her eyes once again. She was only 18... she wasn't ready for what the real world actually was. She'd spent months in an attic, she hadn't lived. She wasn't ready to. And just like that, Davina started coughing and throwing up water. Cassidy's eyes widened as she glanced back at Marcel... stage three.

"Vina..." Cassidy sighed. It was now or never. She hated to be the one to have to do this. "You have to trust the witches and what they say. The Harvest... if it works, which it has to, you will be resurrected. That's what the Harvest is. This magic is killing you."

"B-but you promised me you'd fight for me." Davina reminded quietly.

"And I did. I fought for your safety, your trust, and I will fight for your life... because I don't break my promises, and you will be brought back... I know you will." Cassidy said. "Please... I can't lose you."

"Okay." Davina shakily nodded. "I'll complete the Harvest... I don't want to lose you, either."

"I'm so, so sorry that this is happening to you." Tears started to fill Cassidy's eyes, too. Marcel stood behind her, placing a hand on his mate's shoulder comfortingly as Cassidy gripped Davina's hand. "But your story will not end here, Vina, I promise you. This is not how it ends."

"And if it is... if this is all I have, beautiful, I've had a lot. I had Monique, and I had Tim, and I had Marcel, and I had someone who fought for me and loved me from the moment you met me." Davina exclaimed tearfully. "Most people don't get that even if they live to be a hundred." Davina's eyes slowly flickered from Cassidy, to Marcel, and back again. "Guys, I'm ready."

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