Chapter 21

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Minji's POV:

One week left.

Seven days, 168 hours, 10 080 minutes. In a normal context, it would look pretty long but in my situation, it was way too short. But at the same time, I knew I could do it. After all, in the same amount of time, I already made a lot of progress.

Of course, Yoohyeon realized that I wanted to spend more time with her and at first, it made her a bit uncomfortable. But after a bit, she got used to it and even enjoyed it as much as I did.

Every day, I was waiting for her after her work out session, to come back home together in the evening. I also checked that she was taken correctly her meals and even offered her to grab lunch together at noon. Though, after a few days, Siyeon realized that something was off so I preferred to invite the whole group to erase her suspicious. But of course, I always stayed by Yoohyeon's side. And on Saturday night, I finally took her to watch a horror movie at the cinema. Once again, I offered to all of the members to join, to avoid their attention and, as planned nobody wanted to join, except Siyeon, she loved horror movies. Luckily, Sua came too, even if she was also scared as hell, just to distract her girlfriend and give me some time with Yoohyeon. Though, we both ended up screaming and hugging tightly the arm of our lovers during the whole movie and I almost passed out at the end. But it was worth it, giving me the opportunity to hear Yoohyeon's soft chuckles as I was hiding in the crook of her neck, terrifying by what was happening in front of me. And the big smile she had for the whole evening after the movie made it even better.

On Monday, I was waiting for her once again to grab lunch together. Today, the members were too busy to come with us but I managed to convince Yoohyeon to join, once again with the help of Sua. She might have been the one who pushed me to break up with her back then, she was now really supportive and trusted me to take good care of the puppy. At first, I was really upset at Siyeon and Sua but after a bit, I understood why they did that. Yoohyeon and I both needed this time away from each other and I needed something strong to realize my mistakes. And today, I learned from the past and was ready to try again with her.

I was now waiting for her at the entrance door of the agency. She was all sweaty after the morning training and wanted to take a shower before leaving. I was leaning against the wall, scrolling on Instagram when a voice called me.

"Kim Minji, is that you? No way, where is your glass of alcohol?" Kai chuckled, entering in the agency.

"It's crazy, right?" I smiled at him, putting my phone in my back pocket. "What are you doing here?"

"I have to sign a few last papers with your CEO for the collaboration. Like I arrived later that you, I didn't have time to do it before. And you, what are you doing standing at the entrance door?"

"Hum..." How could I tell him that I was planning to go back with Yoohyeon when he worked so hard to make me move on? He was going to be so disappointed after everything he did for me. Why did I always end up hurting someone I cared about? But I had to tell him, I couldn't keep this relationship I had with him if I wanted to go back with Yoohyeon, it wasn't respectful toward both of them. "I-I'm waiting for Yoohyeon, we are going to grab lunch together."

"It's finally evolving?!" He asked with excitement.

"W-What do you mean?" I was confused.

"Yoohyeon and you. When did you change your mind about her? At the party? She was so drunk after seeing us together, I bet she confessed to you."

"H-How do you know?" I asked, shocked by what I just heard. I didn't even know that he saw her at the party.

"Remember the evening we spent together at the bar? After telling me your story, you seemed like you completely gave up on her and I knew you were way too stubborn to change your mind. So if you weren't going to make the first move, I had to make Yoohyeon do it. And what's better than jealousy to wake someone up?" He smirked at me.

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