Chapter 2

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Taehyung's POV:

It was finally the day I was waiting for. I was in the backstage with the others, waiting to enter in the large hall. All groups were already installed, except Blackpink and us. As expected, they would make us enter at the end, to "save the best for last". Jennie came to see me:

"Hey, how are you? Did you find them?" She asked searching in the theater.

"Not yet" I answered.

Jungkook arrived behind us.

"Hyung, Noona, look over there, they are next to Enhypen" He pointed.

"Ah, yes I saw them." Jennie said. "They're really pretty!"

I blushed a bit before agreeing.

"And now, the groups you all were waiting for, please make some noise for Blackpink and BTS!"

We entered in the hall, bowing and waving our hands. The fans were crazy, screaming our names, clapping and doing finger hearts. I was really grateful to have them, they brought me so much every day. I found myself looking at Dreamcatcher, my eyes uncontrollably drawn to them, cheering on us. Sua was more jumping and screaming then anything but that's how she was, always full of energy.

We took our seats, and, as planned, I sat next to Jennie. It was now the time to do some fan service. From where I was, I couldn't see Dreamcatcher, so it meant than they couldn't either. And I felt relieved about that.

I spent a really good evening. I was having fun with Blackpink and my members. I was flirting from time to time with Jennie and we laughed about that. The fans were going crazy for little things and that was really funny. We also sang all together and were enjoyed the performances that were presented. Seventeen were performing as well as Ive, BigBang, JustB, Itzy and Jessi. I didn't know all the songs but the atmosphere was so good that I still had fun.

When the evening came to an end, Jennie reminded me of the plan. I had enjoyed the last moments so much that I had almost forgotten the girls. We stood up and joined our changing room, saying our last goodbyes to the fans. Jennie and I first went to Blackpink's lodge to inform her manager that we would spend some time together. He agreed and we rushed to BTS's room. I came in, searching for manager Minho when my eyes fell on unknow guests. There were five girls and two boys sitting on the couch, talking to Namjoon and Hoseok.

They were all well dressed, the girls wearing heavy makeup and the boys had neat haircuts. Who were they? They were neither idols nor staff member, that was for sure.

I went to see Jin and asked him about them.

"You don't know who they are?" He whispered-yelled. "Didn't you listen manager Minho during the meeting last week? Those Armies won the opportunity to meet us today! We will spend some with them now."

What? Armies? Now? Our manager probably talked about it when I wasn't listening during the meeting. I hated myself even more now. How could I miss this information?

I looked sadly at Jennie who was waiting for me outside. She understood immediately that our plan failed. She gave me a little smile and left.

I felt so empty right now. I just wanted to leave far from this life. Why couldn't I meet who I wanted and do what I wanted to do?

A fan ran to me and hugged me tightly, pulling me out of my thoughts. I smiled warmly at her, pretending to be okay with this visit. In fact, I was, but it just wasn't the right time for that.


After 30min, they left the lodge. We talked a lot, they told us what they liked about us and we told them how grateful we were for their support for us. But it started to be late so they went back home. We changed quickly to our casual clothes, took our stuffs and exited the building.

But an idea crossed my mind. What if they were still here, in their changing room? It was unlikely but not impossible. I stopped walking and said:

"Wait guys, I think I forgot something. Wait here, I'm coming back in a bit."

"Do you need help?" asked Namjoon.

"No, don't worry Hyung, I will be quick." I answered as I ran inside the building.

I didn't know where their room was so I just searched everywhere. I finally found a poster with the groups and their lodge number. I quickly read and found "Dreamcatcher: 315". I ran to the third floor and entered their room. But there was no one, the room was empty.

Out of breath, I slumped on the couch. How could I fool myself into believing they would still be here? I closed my eyes a few seconds, catching my breath.

When suddenly, I heard a sound of footsteps. Who could it be at this hour? Maybe Namjoon who was worried, like always. The noise was getting closer and closer. I opened my eyes, fixing the entrance. The person approaching had a light gait, it wasn't my leader, I was sure about that. I stood up and walked slowly toward the door. But someone running, bumped into me and fell on the floor.

Despite the darkness, I knew who it was. I had watched her so often on TV and had dreamt of meeting her so many times. Her long blond hair falling on her shoulders and her black bangs covering her eyes, it could be only one person.

I was standing in front of Kim Yoohyeon.


Hello and welcome back, here is the second chapter! Taehyung finally met her idol, but what will happen? Tell me your thoughts about it!

Also, these two chapters are really short, I'm sorry. The next ones will be longer.

Anyway, please know than English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if there are some mistakes... Please, let me know if you see some.

Thank you for reading!

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