Chapter 13

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Minji's POV:


"Have a good evening, Yoohyeon. And if you need anything, don't hesitate to call us, okay?" Siyeon said while putting her shoes on.

"Yes, of course! See you tonight, unnie!" Yoohyeon waved at her.

It was now 6:30pm and we were waiting for Siyeon to be ready to leave the apartment. In 30 minutes, Taehyung was going to arrive to have a date with the love of my life so saying I was heartbroken was an understatement.

I looked at her one last time before she was officially to someone else. She was so pretty, nervously waving goodbye at us and jumping from one foot to the other. She was wearing a pretty short she spent 20 minutes to choose and her favorite top. But to see her wearing this top made my heart tighten, I remembered her wearing it when she was still mine, during dates, trainings and outings or just while sharing an ice cream, just her and I. At that moment, I just wanting to break the promise I did to Siyeon and Sua and run to her to tell her how much I loved her and wanted her back again.

The entrance door opened and the members left one by one, it was my last chance. Was I really going to give up on her that easily, just for a promise I made? Was I really going to let a stranger take my position? No, I couldn't let that happen. Fuck the promise, I had to win her back. I walked towards her with a confident step when a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Minji, come quickly." Sua told me from outside of the apartment.

No, I couldn't do that. I played too much with her heart and hurt her like no one ever had, I didn't deserve her forgiveness. I looked at her one last time, giving her a weak smile, before following Sua outside and closing the door behind me.

"You did well, Minji, I promise." The main dancer reassured me, gently patting my back. She then took my hand in hers and pulled me far from where my heart wanted to be. "Let's go, we have an evening to enjoy!"

Even if the members were all excited to hang out together, I couldn't share their excitement. I just wanting to go back inside and take Yoohyeon far from this world, to keep her only for myself.

"So, where do you girls want to go?" Siyeon took me out of my thoughts.

"Where you want! But I need a big beer, right now!" Answered Gahyeon.

"Oh my god, our maknae is growing up!" Dongie laughed, opening the entrance door of the building and letting us out.

"Yeah, I need some alcohol too." I mumbled.

"Ya, Kim Minji! Don't you dare get drunk tonight!" Sua scolded me. "Wait for me a few seconds." She said as she let go of my hand and walked toward a nice car parked in front of the dorm.

Of course I knew whose car it was. The person I hated the most in the world, as selfish as it could be. He was here to steal Yoohyeon from me and I knew I couldn't do anything about it, I was powerless. He was so perfect and, unlike me, he deserved her. He was able to make her happy without hurting her even for a second. He was the charming prince she always dreamed of and I was the evil witch.

After a bit, Sua came back with a smile and grabbed back my hand.

"I think he will make her happy." She smiled.

"Yeah, I really need alcohol." I sighed.

But this time, Sua didn't say anything and just squeezed my hand to let me know that she was here for me if I needed some comfort.


After 15 minutes of walking, we arrived in front of a nice bar, famous for having a VIP room for celebrities. We quickly showed our ID card and proved that we were Dreamcatcher to enter in the private space. Inside, there were already some persons, but I didn't want to talk to anyone and went directly to the bar, ordering a few shots of vodka.

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