The Ageless x reader

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I joined him, and he introduced me to some of his most loyal guards, who happily greeted me.
I couldn't help thinking about The Seven though, if they were worried about me.
I found peace in the music though. This always was Geno's type of music. Both of us often listened to this type of peaceful music when we hung out, which wasn't often because of work.
After The Champion introduced me to some guards, I mainly just stayed with him at his throne with my hood up.
"Shy are you?" He chuckled.
"Shyness and not liking people are two different things," I defended stubbornly, leaning on the arm of his throne.
"Your musicians are very skilled," i stated, admiring the brilliant handling of their cellos and violins, some flutes too.
"Thank you. I don't remember much about you, but you were a musician too, correct?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. I nodded.
"I often played music like this for Geno. It was his favourite, and that clearly passed on to you, yes?"
He smiled and nodded.
"Absolutely. I like the peace of this music."

I stayed with The Champion, who i now called The Ageless, and it eventually got to a point where I was considering telling him how I felt about Geno. The Ageless was lovely, so kind and handsome, but protective of me when needs be. He was understanding, to the point that when I asked if I could go tell The Seven I'm alright, he let me, and even asked if he could come too.
So here we are, walking through the snow to the mountain i knew The Seven stayed on. He was aware of what Geno had done to them, so he even took the pro caution of not wearing his armour and not bringing any weapons to show that he meant no harm.
"I....appreciate you coming with me," I said, breaking the peaceful silence. He looked up, long hair being blown into his face with the wind.
"I want to make sure you're safe. I can't do that if I have no idea where you are," he responded humbly. I smiled at him warmly from behind my hood.
"Thank you, Geno wouldn't have done that," I whispered gratefully. He shook his head and shifted a bit closer to me mid-walk.
"I'm not like him. He was insane," he sighed, twirling the stroke of white hair between his fingers. I smirked.
"You're telling me you aren't?" I chuckled.
He burned dark pink.
"Of course not. I'm a gentleman," he scoffed sarcastically. I let out a breathy chuckle, pulling the white hair from his hand and pulling it back.
He stared down at me as I did so, a warm smile on his face. His eyes shot wide open as I hugged him however.
"I loved Geno, but you're so much....better," I whispered, feeling him wrap his arms around me in return.
"I do my best," he responded humbly. I let out a chuckle against his chest, before reaching up and pressing a tender kiss to his lips, that he returned immediately. His hands subconsciously travelled to rest on my hips, while mine moved to his shoulders.

After we were done with that, we actually did make it to The Seven, who were happy to see that I was okay.
"(F/n)! You're oka-" The Imagined paused as she saw who was standing next to me.
The Ageless smiled awkwardly and i facepalmed.
"He's fine. He's actually not as deadly as he looks," I stated, pulling my hood down.
"I don't look deadly," The Ageless exclaimed, before looking down at his own outfit, "do I?"
I snorted, but paused as The Foundation stared at him menacingly.
"Look, he even left his armour and weapons behind so he didn't bring a threat, look at him," I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air.
"He kidnapped you!" The Scientist exclaimed.
"No, he didn't. He stood down when he saw who I was," I sighed, "I willingly stayed with him."
They went silent.
"You may all stay with us at The Citadel if you wish," The Ageless offered them.
Most of The Seven looked to The Foundation with a pleading expression.
"Fine, but if you make one wrong move you're done," The Foundation growled at The Ageless, who just blinked at him.
"Very well."

We arrived at The Citadel, and they were given their own rooms. Meanwhile, I usually hung out in the prison cells because I enjoyed swinging from the metal bars.
I often slept down there, hanging upside down from the metal bars like a bat. The Ageless often enjoyed laughing at me.
Today was one of the days where both The Ageless and The Seven came down.
"Okay, how are you getting down from there?" The Ageless asked sarcastically, seeing me hanging upside down with my legs hooked tightly around a bar on the roof.
"Um...." I trailed off and looked around, "CATCH ME!" I yelled before dropping down.
I fell straight on top of him, and he groaned and dropped me to the floor.
"See? Skill right there," I stated, landing perfectly on the ground. "On my part, because you didn't catch me."
He huffed.
"You didn't really give me a chance to collect myself before you dropped down. It's not my fault."
I shrugged.
"Whatever," I responded. The others were sitting snickering. "Shut up."

Dinner time came fast, but I often didn't eat dinner because I find it awkward. I usually just ate on my own on my own time. I did stay in the throne room, which is where they ate, so I could hang out with them.
"Your throne is very comfortable, Ageless," I stated, lounging over his throne with my legs dangling over the arm.
He raised his eyebrows and turned around.
"What are you doing on my throne?"
I smirked and sank further into his throne, and he huffed before turning back around and sitting down.
The Seven all started talking, but The Ageless mainly stayed quiet and didn't talk much.
"The end always feels like it's coming slow-"
The Paradigm was cut off by me.
"Until the day it's here and hits home."
They all looked at me, twirling the remaining wine in the bottom of my glass.
"Yeah. That's true," The Imagined stated.
"We all know there will be a threat to this island eventually," The Ageless added, sparing me a glance.
"We'll be ready. You'll stand with us, won't you?" The Foundation asked The Ageless. The Ageless glanced at me, and I nodded once.
"Yes. I will be."
I gave a small smile to myself, but got up when I heard a hoot and a clink. The Ageless narrowed his eyes, and The Seven all looked up.
A mechanical owl flew in one of the gaps in the wall, with the symbol both The Ageless and Geno had on their chests engraved into its back. I recognised this A.I.
"Ray?" I asked skeptically, taking a step back. It carried a note, and gave it to me before flying out again at the speed of light.
The not read:
I'm not dead, love.
In Geno's handwriting. I slyly grinned at The Ageless, passing him the note and watching as his eyes erupted into anger as he read the word 'love'.
"Looks like we've found our threat."

This was so fun to write, and the reason it is so long is because I just kept wanting to add more. Thank you.

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