Chapter Thirty-Seven: Monday, January 16

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Sana watched as the pair picked their cars. Noriaki picked #28, and D'Arby picked #15, because his birthday is January 5th, and he seemed very proud of that fact. Sana was as unimpressed as Noriaki.

"Enough with the courtesy. Start the game already," Noriaki said, manifesting Hierophant Green. D'Arby nodded, and manifested Atum. The game started counting down. Beginning in 5 seconds, 4 seconds, 3 seconds...

Atum was pressing a button on the controller so vigorously that Sana wondered if it would break. She didn't know if it was a strategy or some lucky charm, but Noriaki didn't seem happy about it, so she wasn't surprised when D'Arby flew ahead and cut Noriaki off the second the race started.

"What? You just cut me off!" Noriaki shot a brief glare in D'Arby's direction, but immediately looked back to the screen. He hadn't given up yet. If anyone could claw it back, it was him, Sana knew. There were three laps to play. A lot could change in that time.

"It's unfortunate, I know, but the simple truth is I never make a mistake during a race! Victory will be mine, Kakyoin!" D'Arby laughed.

Noriaki frowned, and used Hierophant Green to press all the arrows on the controller at once. His car spun, almost out of control, but then it hit D'Arby's, and sent it flying into the barrier. D'Arby only gaped at the screen. "Kakyoin! You've played this game before, haven't you?"

"I'd rather not reveal that," Noriaki said, his tone completely level. Sana grinned. He had this in the bag. She already knew it, but that didn't make the feeling any less satisfying.

Mr Joestar punched the air. "Yeah! This is your chance, Kakyoin! Get your machine on course and start kicking this bastard's ass!"

Noriaki didn't respond, only pressed the accelerator. He was fully concentrating on the race now. Sana took a tiny step back so he could focus fully. She watched as the cars pulled up alongside each other, perfectly in sync. That was better than before. Slowly but surely, Noriaki would figure out a way to pull ahead, and by the end of the race, he'd win, Sana knew it.

"Yeah, that's the way to do it! Neck and neck!" Mr Joestar cheered.

"No. Look carefully, old man. Kakyoin's at the edge," Jotaro muttered. "When it comes to those turns, he's at a major disadvantage."

The first turn was coming up, Sana could see it on the map, but neither Noriaki nor D'Arby slowed their cars at all. In fact, they both kept accelerating, but if Noriaki was on the outside, as Jotaro had pointed out, then he'd risk pitching into the void below, and if that happened... Sana didn't know. Maybe it was fine, maybe it wasn't, she wasn't the one who played, but judging by Noriaki's slight frown, and the tiny flicker of fear in his eyes, it wasn't good at all. Sana held her breath. They were about to hit the turn. Three seconds. Two. One.

Somehow, miraculously, Noriaki's car made it. There was barely anything in it, but he didn't fall, and stayed on course. Sana breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Everything was fine, and Noriaki and D'Arby were still tied.

"Are you seeing this! Those two are hitting those turns the exact same way! It's too close to call!" Mr Joestar yelled.

"You've intrigued me, Kakyoin! With your soul on the line, you've conquered your fear and become the picture of unwavering resolve," D'Arby said, his tone full of amusement. "I dare say you'll make a worthy addition to my collection! All that's left is for me to win."

But they all knew that wasn't happening. Sana was completely sure in her assessment of the situation, completely confident that Noriaki would win. D'Arby would soon see it, and would admit defeat. He'd met his match, this time.

Three seconds until the next turn. The pair rounded it with no problems, and stayed neck-and-neck. The more they played, the more Sana had a feeling that there was something she knew about this game, some offhand comment made, whenever she'd asked about it, something about... discovering something, since Noriaki had discovered something, the game went by so much easier, because only one car could-

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