Chapter Sixteen: Friday, December 16

Start from the beginning

Mr Joestar tossed some money on the table for the juice, and everyone quickly piled in the car. They didn't need to be told twice. So far, this guy was a smart bastard, and Sana wanted to see him getting beaten up as much as everyone else.

Polnareff started the ignition and swung out of the parking lot. "Not to mention we owe him payback for that truck that almost hit us earlier."

They caught up to the guy pretty fast. He was driving quickly now, swinging around corners and accelerating most of the time. It wasn't safe at all, but Polnareff kept pace with him. Sana found herself not caring. He was within reach. Soon, they'd get revenge for the mess he'd caused.

It was odd. Sana only cared when it was innocents. But as far as she was concerned, it was allowed to be as bloodthirsty as you wanted when it was some smug bastard like this.

And then she realised she sounded like Jotaro, and mentally kicked herself. But then again- right now, his philosophy sounded a lot better than her usual one.

"That's strange," Noriaki said. "According to the map, it says we should be running parallel to some train tracks, or something."

"Who the hell cares?" Polnareff asked incredulously. "We'll catch up soon anyway. That bastard! I'm gonna nail him once we round this curve-"

Polnareff yelled something completely incomprehensible as the car almost plummeted off a cliff. It didn't. Polnareff just managed to swerve in time, but-

That had been too close. It was one thing after another today, with this guy- what the hell was his problem? And where had he gone?

Sana glanced around at the cliff edge. There was a rope bridge that definitely didn't fit a car, the road they'd come in on, and a cliff. And unless the car somehow had the ability to climb, it couldn't have gone anywhere. But it wasn't there, and there was no sign of it at all. It was like the car had never existed.

"Where the hell did he go! He's gone!" Mr Joestar said, eyes wide.

"Did he drive off the cliff?" Polnareff exclaimed.

"There's no way he could've driven over the suspension bridge," Noriaki said, completely calm. Maybe they should all just take notes from him.

But then the car jolted with a loud crash. Sana looked back. The car was behind them, ramming into them, reversing, and doing it again. The group was thrown around a little. Sana held onto the seat.

"It's him! He's pushing us," Mr Joestar said.

"How the hell did he get behind us?" Noriaki exclaimed, his calm exterior completely gone. So that was his breaking point. It was fair enough. The car was now dangerously close to the cliff edge. Too close. Polnareff put the car in reverse.

Thump. Closer. Thump. Closer still. Sana's heart raced. Was there anything they could do, aside from bail out of the car..? But the reversing should have worked- yet it wasn't, and with each hit, the car moved closer and closer to the cliff edge, and soon they would fall over entirely, crumple up at the bottom, and-

"Damn! How much horsepower is that thing running with?" Polnareff yelled, frantically trying to reverse the car. It wasn't working at all. "Dammit- it's like fighting a tank!"

Another hit, and Polnareff screamed and undid his seatbelt. "It's no use- everyone, get out! It's our only chance!"

Everyone moved except for Noriaki, who just frowned at Polnareff. "Polnareff, what are you doing?"


Polnareff stopped moving, as did the others.

"You can't get out until all of us are clear first!" Noriaki exclaimed. "You have to hold down the brake!"

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