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  Third Person POV

"Raksha! What's going on with you?" Rohan yelled. 

Raksha took out her phone and showed them the WhatsApp photo which was send to her yesterday. 

"Who is  this?" asked Rahul pointing to the girl.

"This bhaiyya, this is my classmate and friend, she was the one I had in mind for Aaryan. But it turns out she has a boyfriend, who agreed to marry her some day. The same man in this photo, with her, Aditya Malhotra".

She shocked all of them. They were upset.

"Here's what I wanna say to my loving big brothers, Rahul bhaiyya, Rohan bhaiyya and Aaryan bhaiyya. My friend Sarah doesn't know Aditya is my fiancé. Not anymore now. She is really excited to start a new life with him and I cannot take it away from her. So this is what we are going to do. None of us will say anything to Aditya's sisters or parents, except one thing that I, Raksha Kapoor has lost interest in this wedding. I'm ready to take the blame. I loved him so much and I'm not willing to hurt him. I don't wanna know why or anything. I know my brothers are really upset about what happened but you need to stand with me okay. I'm not dying to be married anyway. Right Aaryan?" She smiled through her pain. 

Not even a single tear ran down her cheek. She did not care anymore. Rahul and Rohan sat down in sadness. They didn't know what to do. Aaryan hugged Raksha. The brothers saw it.

"I know this is not allowed in our religion but Aaryan why can't you marry Raksha?" asked Rahul.

"Bhaiyya is right. You too are really close to each other, I don't think there's anyone else out there for both of you", Rohan had  the same opinion.

"Rahul, Rohan, she is nothing less than a little sister to me and I've seen her that way and as my best friend. I'm sorry but she cannot be anything more to me".

"Aaryan's right. I call him bhaiyya for a reason, because he is my big brother and best friend like you both are. We cannot be anything more for each other. Sorry".

Aaryan and Raksha made themselves clear so their brothers would not ask them the same later. 

"We excepted the same answer from either one of you. Sorry Aaryan and Raksha, we don't know why this keeps happening to you two. Shenaya and Aditya... " Rahul was broken.

Rohan held his hand. "Rahul bhaiyya, there's something good in store for them, that's why God is removing the bad things from their life. I know its weird to believe that but its true".

"In that case, we wait, right baby?" Aaryan kissed her on the forehead.

"Yes darling, we wait" Raksha kissed him on the hand.

The big brothers had a smile on their faces, looking at how positively their siblings decided to deal with the matter. 

"I have something to do now", Raksha deleted Aditya's number and their WhatsApp and Instagram conversations. "That's done. I'm not gonna be immature and block him or anything. He is our friend and will always be. Please don't be upset on him sweethearts". Raksha smiled.

They smiled back.

"Come on now, time for us to tell Dadu and Sheila Ma that I am not interested in the wedding".

The brothers got up. Rohan kept her on the wheelchair and they went to meet the rest of the family. Dadu, Sheila, Alia and Ayra were talking to each other. They stopped when they saw the men and their little one join them.

"What's going on?" asked Dadu.

"Dadu... I wanna tell you something important. 

"What is it dear?" Dadu was tensed looking at her face.

"Dadu..." she sighed. "I am not interested in marrying Aditya anymore". 

"What? Not interested? This is not a child's play Raksha. What is wrong with you? You think this is funny?" Dadu began yelling at her. 

"This is not right Raksha", Sheila supported Dadu.

"I know its not the right thing to do, backing off in the last minute but, why would someone like me marry Aditya and ruin his life. Just think about it, he cannot live his life with me, maybe for a year but after that, he's gonna think why he married someone like me".

"He is a good man Raksha. Aditya will never think something like that".

"Dadu, you are talking about the present and I am talking about the future. Please Dadu, try to understand. Sheila Ma, please". Raksha gently held their hands.

"Dadu, Ma... she spoke to us and we respect her decision" said Aaryan.

"Yes... lets not force her into something which will affect her later on".

"Rahul bhaiyya is right. Please Dadu, its our little one", Rohan said.

The brothers reassured her that they were completely on her side. They played well without letting out the real reason behind the mess.

"What can I say kids, if you have thought this true", Dadu was sad.

"Sorry Dadu but please..."

"Okay Raksha... do as you please".

"Thank you Dadu". She gave Dadu a tight hug.

That day night Alia and Ayra joined their husbands who were at the balcony with their siblings. 

"We need to tell you all something. Yesterday morning, Guddu called us and opened up about his relationship with a girl in his office. He was really upset about himself and couldn't face any of you. He wanted us to tell this to all of you. We tried so hard but sorry we couldn't. That's why when Raksha spoke to Dadu today, we did not react. He spoke to mom and dad too. We all yelled, we were mad at him, the peace in our family was almost destroyed. He said he couldn't let go of her. We had to say yes to him. Sorry..." Alia spoke for her brother.

"You took the blame even when Guddu bhaiyya was responsible for everything, so that nobody would hate him. You are such a good person. Sorry Raksha", Ayra was also sad about what their big brother had done to her.

"Its okay lovely ladies. I appreciate your honesty. Its not an easy thing to say is it? What's over is over. Don't dig up the past. I don't want this issue to affect any one of you okay. Let it be, his happiness is what matters. If he is happy with Sarah, let him marry her. I know her, she is a really nice girl. Trust me when I say, she is better than me. Aaryan, lets give the couples some space, come on. Good night all of you", Raksha waved at everyone.

"Good night guys" Aaryan said and took Raksha outside the room. 

The couples sat there in silence for a while.

 Meanwhile the other two were in her room, on the bed sitting next to each other, checking out Tinder. 

"I cannot believe what we are doing", Raksha kept on swiping for Aaryan.

"True that. This is unbelievable", he replied swiping for her.

"Aaryan, are you sure we need to do this for each other?"

"Why not? You agreed already, just swipe".

A minute later, it matched for both of them.

"Matched" they said and showed the photos to each other.

"Ricky Sharma, he's cute, isn't he?" she asked.

"Of course but mine is the cutest, Katherine D'Cruz. Raksha, what do we do? Should I text her?"

"Of course you should. Ricky's texting me, should I reply?"

"Here's the thing. We'll talk to them, if they are interested to meet, lets meet at the same place. Deal?"


The siblings high-fived each other and began texting for a while. After ten minutes they kept their phones away.

"What is it?" Aaryan asked.

"He wants to meet".

"She wants to meet. Cold café?"

"Cold café it is".

They texted the place and the other two agreed to meet them there the next day.

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