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  Third person POV

All of them stood behind the wall of the living room, observing the elders talk. 

"December 25th, on Christmas, is a great time. We can celebrate all of it together. I am glad we are on the same page", said Chetan Malhotra.

Their children looked at each other excited. They were going to be married in less than two months. They stepped to the room and stood there silently.

"Is everything okay?" asked Dadu, even though he knew about the secret plan.

The young women showed their rings with their future husbands standing beside them. 

"Oh my God! My babies!" Anjali got up and so did the others.

"Congratulations kids. What a wonderful day this is. Come here all of you", Chetan was beyond happy.

They walked to their parents and Dadu.

"Congratulations boys", Ranjan hugged his sons and Reema did the same after.

"Papa, Ma, Raksha?", Rahul said.

Ranjan and Reema did not care as expected. The siblings felt bad that their parents left out their little sister. 

"Congratulation my kids", Chetan kissed his three children and Raksha. 

"Thank you Uncle" she said.

Rahul, Rohan and Raksha loved the sweet gesture from Chetan. It was like an insult to Ranjan and Reema.

"Congratualtions Rahul and Rohan. Take good care of my daughters, okay".

"Always Uncle, thank you", said Rohan.

"Thank you Uncle", said Rahul.

Chetan hugged them too. Since he did it the Kapoors thought they had to do the same formality.

"Congratulations, Alia and Ayra", Ranjan said and looked at Aditya.

"Thanks Uncle", the girls said.

Everyone was silent.



"Are you sure about this decision you have made. Think twice because once its done, its done", Ranjan did not forget to annoy everyone and ruin their happiness.

"Don't worry Uncle. I know what I'm doing. Since you usually don't care about your daughter, I suggest you stay out of this as well. Just don't curse us, even if we can't have your blessings. That's the only request we have", Aditya replied. 

Aditya was a bold man and he had not given anyone the right to destroy his happiness or that of the ones he loved.

"Guddu, that's not nice son".

"Sorry Papa", Aditya said to his father.

"Your son is a very good man and so are your daughters. You have raised them right. There is nothing wrong in what he said to my father. He spoke what I had to say. I am sorry Uncle and Aunty, the fault is on our side", Raksha spoke on Aditya's behalf.

"No my sweet child, we are so happy to have you and your brothers as a part of our family now. In fact our children our blessed to have such amazing partners. You don't have to be sorry", Chetan said gently patting her cheek.

"This is the only thing we wanted for our little sister Uncle, a perfect family. Thank you", Rahul said.

"True, now we know she is in safe hands, thank you. It means a lot to us and our Dadu", Rohan added.

FAMILY a journey to forever (COMPLETED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum