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  Raksha's POV

We were near the edge of a beautiful valley. Aaryan was sitting down on the fresh grass and I was beside him, giving rest to my wheelchair, leaning on to him. We wanted to breathe and stay away from all the drama for a while. It felt really good. 

"Raksha, what are you thinking?"

"Nothing...my mind is blank. There's so much peace here".

"I agree. Only if life could be this peaceful".

"Yea...you want to talk about Shenaya?" I asked, incase he wanted to share something.

"How did you know? You are the closest person I have. You read my mind. Honestly Raksha, if I could find someone like you, I would be the luckiest. Unfortunately you are my little sister. All you can be is the same and my best friend", Aaryan sighed.

"Isn't this better? We get to share everything which each other, goof around, have so much fun, cry in each others arms, honest and open..."

"That is so true. This is in fact better because with Shenaya... she sometimes tries to control me and picks a fight every time I try to make her understand".

"I will talk to her".

"You are already out of your mind. I know you will go to any extend for me. I don't want to break up with her okay".

"How dare you Aaryan, you piece of shit! Why would you think I would break your relationship?" I joked.

"Did you just call me shit? How dare you!" he pulled my ear.

"Aaryan, stop! It was a joke".

"Yea right, I spoiled you".

I grinned. "So tell me should I talk to her and make things alright?"

"Can you do that for real?" he asked.

"Trust me. I know how to handle relationships more than anyone and if she is toxic, I can figure it out. You don't have to marry a toxic person, if she is so".

"Oh hello, that's enough.  Sometimes she makes me upset but I love her. No relationship is perfect".

"True...like that American", I pulled his leg.

He looked at me and we laughed. Aaryan and I sat there for hours talking to each other until it was interrupted by a call. It was Adi, he had called Aaryan on a normal call.

"Hello Adi"

There was a pause, I saw Aaryan's smile fade away. He seemed tensed and worried.

"Okay, we're coming", he ended the call.

"Aaryan, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know. Aadi asked us to go home now, come on". 

We got in the car and he drove away fast. A while later, we had reached home. Nobody was home, except for Sheila Ma and Dadu. They were waiting for us. We stepped inside.

"Dadu...Ma, what's happening? Where is everyone?" asked Aaryan, concerned. 

I looked at their faces and something didn't seem right.

"Tell us please", Aaryan asked again.

"Its my son. He had an attack. They went to the hospital. He went to lie down because he felt tired and never woke up. Maybe this is why Raksha, he and Reema had a change of heart. They were really guilty for what they did to you. They wanted you to be with them, here".

Aaryan held my hand tight. All I can remember of Papa was him yelling and his taunts and abuses. Now, I felt I was the villain for going away. Papa would have been okay if I had stayed back. He needed me and look what I did. I was feeling so guilty and bad. The tables turned. My heart felt heavy. We heard a car stop. Adi walked home. We looked at him, his face was red, he nodded his head. That was it. Papa was gone and I did not fulfill his last wish of his family being together. I hated myself for hurting Papa and I could never bring him back. I went to my room and locked the door. 

Third person POV

Aaryan stayed with Dadu as he had lost his son. Sheila consoled him too. Adi began knocking on Raksha's door. She refused to open it.

"Raksha...open the door. Please... Raksha... you don't have to go through this alone. We're all here. Raksha...open!! Please!! Raksha!!" he stopped and stood outside the door silently.

Dadu broke down to tears.

"Dadu...I'm sorry..." Aaryan also cried because he felt bad for taking Raksha away from home.

"Nothing is your fault. I didn't know this would be his last wish. I stopped him from seeing his own daughter. God will not forgive me". 

Aaryan hugged Dadu and they both cried in each others arms. Adi was still knocking on her door.

"Raksha please don't blame yourself. It wasn't you. Don't do this. Please open the door. I need you. We need you".

"Go away Guddu ji..." he heard a faint whisper.

"Not until you open this door. I can't leave you alone".

"I killed my father..." she broke down.

Adi sat down leaning on the door. Tears ran down his cheeks. 

"No baba...its wasn't you. Don't hurt yourself. Please Raksha... open the door...", he was silent.

Nobody had anymore strength to accept the fact that Ranjan Kapoor had left them. They weren't sad that the weddings were cancelled. They were sad because they would never see one among them again. 

"Take me to the hospital Aaryan, I want to see my son", Dadu requested Aaryan.

"Dadu..." Aaryan did not want to do it.

"I need to see my son Aaryan", there was so much pain and anger in Dadu's voice.

"Son, take him. I'll stay here", said Sheila.

Aaryan left with Dadu to the hospital. Sheila looked at Adi who was helpless. They were her children too.

"Aunty, can you ask her to open the door? I don't want to lose her".

"No son, you won't. Don't be sad. Get up", Sheila held out her hand and lifted Adi up.

"Raksha dear...your Papa was talking about you before he left us. He regretted for not loving you and caring for you. He said he knew you will forgive him if he was gone. Unfortunately his words were like a curse. He told us how much he loves you and not getting to be with you was his punishment. This doesn't mean you are the reason for his death. We are already going through a lot. Please don't make it worse for us and yourself. Open the door now Raksha", Sheila waited.

A minute later, they heard the door unlock. Adi opened the door slowly and embraced his fiancé immediately. All her emotions from all these years poured out. This had to happen. Sheila watched them in tears. Her sister Reema had lost her husband. Sheila knew how much it would hurt because, she had endured the same pain once. Now the kids had lost their father, just like Aaryan did and Dadu, his son.

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