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  Rohan's POV

It was a new day in our life. I wanted to start it fresh with my wife, forgetting the past. It also meant that I had made up my mind to forgive Raksha. I didn't know about Rahul bhaiyya though. The truth was, I missed her so much and felt bad that our ego ruined the dream of us siblings getting married together, which could not be fulfilled now. She never came in front of us, not even for a photograph. I felt bad. When I thought more about it, I couldn't make her the reason for Papa's death. She did not kill him. When I step in her shoes, I would have definitely done the same thing. Its not easy to forget pain, especially when the wound is deep. What Rahul bhaiyya and I did, was make it even deeper. Why would I forgive my princess when she was never wrong? I felt guilty again for doing this to her. Now, I was going to ask for forgiveness. We reached home. Bhaiyya and I held hands of our beautiful wives, and walked inside with Ma. Dadu, Sheila aunty, Aaryan and Raksha was waiting for us.

"Welcome to your new home, beautiful ladies", Dadu smiled.

"Thank you Dadu...", they said and gave Dadu a kiss.

"Alia and Ayra or bhabi one and bhabi two?", Aaryan joked.

"Aaryan... its Alia and Ayra  for you and also for you Miss Raksha Kapoor", Alia gave her a hug.

Ayra followed after. That was a sweet gesture from them. I looked at Rahul bhaiyya but he was not having it. He still held Raksha accountable for Papa's death.

"Alia, let's change, come on".

"But Rahul, we just reached. Lets have breakfast and sit here for a while".

"Alia, I said come. I prefer things to be done on time".

"Rahul, if this is about me being nice to your little sister, I am going to stay with her. I cannot hurt her just because you are angry with her. What did she do anyway? I've been noticing this for long. Are you going to be away from her forever. Things happen Rahul. If you were in her place, I'm pretty sure you would have done the exact same thing that she did".

"Alia please... let go. I don't want both of you to fight because of me or for any other reason. Please, your life has just began. If Rahul bhaiyya doesn't want to forgive me then let it be. This is not new for me. Please Alia... its okay, trust me", Raksha held Alia's hand.

"Stop trying to be someone you are not Raksha. You are not a good person that you are faking to be. The truth is, you are the reason for Papa to die and that will not change!", Rahul crossed his limit.

"Bhaiyya, stop it! Enough is enough! Haven't we hurt her enough? Tell me this, did Papa ever love her when he was alive? At least for a second in his life? How would she know he would pass away that day? Huh? You are talking like she was aware of it and yet chose to leave. Think before accusing her. About her being a good person, you will never find a better person than her. She only knows how to love and ends up being hurt. I was so stupid to break her heart and I'm willing to fix it. Don't do it if you can't but stop saying things. Don't be like Papa". I yelled at my big brother for the first time in my life and probably the last time too.

"Rohan bhaiyya...please stop fighting. Only if I had a chance to go back and change things... I would definitely do it.  Rahul bhaiyya... you don't have to say anything more because I've been cursing my self from the day Papa left us. Dadu... I'm sorry, everything is going sideways and I am the sole reason. Sorry Alia and Ayra for ruining your new day". Raksha went to her room and shut the door.

She was at the verge of extreme pain and Rahul bhaiyya's words had destroyed her completely. She was dead inside when she spoke. All the wounds were visible in her eyes.

 Alia's POV

Raksha was in her room staring at the big photograph of her with her big brothers when Ayra and I opened her room door. We wanted to be with her. 

"Can we come in?", I asked.

"Alia...Ayra... come in and you don't need my permission for anything. Do whatever you want to. This is your house. Um... the room is messy. But make yourself comfortable, sit anywhere, the bed, sofa, chair...please and also if you need anything or want to talk about anything, I'm always here. Just saying, you don't have to feel awkward about it".

"That is why we are here, to talk". 

We sat on the bed. Ayra and I had made up our minds to talk about what had happened a while ago but we found it difficult to start. She understood that from our faces.

"Alia, just say it. Go on..." she smiled through her pain.

"Raksha, you are the best sister anyone could have and we are blessed to have you. It is true and our family is really lucky that Guddu is going to marry you". 

"Thank you Alia".

"Raksha, I'm saying this from my heart, not just to make you feel good. Guddu, Ayra and I have had many fights and we have also not spoken to each other, the longest, for one week. But that has only made us more closer. Siblings can hate each other and love more at the same time. How far can Rahul go without talking to you? You are his little princess. Eventually he will come to you because, even if his ego is not letting him to talk to you, he misses you so much, trust me. You know your big brothers since birth and whatever Rahul told you, I'm pretty sure he did not mean it, event though I know it hurt you so much. He loves you as much as you love him and so does Rohan. We haven't known them for so long... we are their wives but you were and will always be the first priority in their life. It is true. They love you so much Raksha".

"Thanks Alia. You are right, Rahul bhaiyya's words did hurt me but it doesn't anymore. Not because of what you said. Its because I don't feel pain or any emotion for that matter. You and Ayra should be with your family and not with me. Thanks for coming here, it really means so much. I'm happy my big brothers have you and Ayra. You should be with them. Go..." Raksha smiled. 

We did not know what more to do. We had to give her space. We left the room.

Aaryan's POV

Raksha had become my whole world now. I went to her room soon after my barbies, I mean bhabis' left her room. I knocked on the door and popped my head inside.

"Not now Aaryan", she said.

"Okay then..." I said and closed the door, jumping onto her bed.

"Which part of not now don't you understand?'

"All of it Raksha. I'm not here for you. I'm bored and I need company".

"What do you want to do?"

"Try and defeat the Uno champion if you can!"

She looked around the room.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"I can't find the Uno champion. Who is that?" 

"I'll show you. The first one to win the first five games is the champion".

"Fine Aaryan, let's play. I dare you to win at least one game".

"Bring it on Miss Kapoor".

Raksha's POV

I took the Uno cards from my table and soon we began playing. Aaryan had his own ways of making me feel better. This was one of those. We both knew it but as of now, the game was heated up.

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