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  Third Person POV. Wedding day

Finally the day had arrived. Rahul and Rohan had also invited their work friends from London to be a part of their wedding. It was set in a beautiful place decorated with flowers. It was an emotional sight to watch for the family, especially for Aditya, Aaryan and Raksha to watch their siblings. Happy tears welled up their eyes. When everything was done, they proceeded for the beautiful reception set up in front of the Kapoor house, by Aaryan and Raksha. Everyone was impressed with the decorations and choice of colors. Even the unmarried guests wished they were married. Raksha was around witnessing and taking care of everyone and everything, still making sure she was out of sight from her brothers as they did not want her to be around. Dadu was out of the world to see his wish come true, event though Raksha was yet to be married to fulfill his wish. Aditya's photographer friend was taking wonderful videos and photographs making sure everything was covered and that nobody was missed out.

Aaryan and Raksha had a list of Rahul and Rohan's favorite songs and played it through the speakers so the guests could dance while the others had starters. Raksha was going around asking waiters to refill the plates and drinks. While Aaryan made sure there was no other issues, especially on the stage for photographs. One by one family members stood with the brides and grooms to have their photographs taken, making sure they looked great. It almost took an hour and ended at the right time for dinner. Delicious food was placed and guests were allowed to eat as much as they want and desserts awaited them after. It was all going well and good as planned. Four hours later, the guests began leaving one by one and it was just the families now.

It was time for Aditya and his parents to leave their beautiful angels, as they were going to start their new lives in another house, being part of another family. Even though they knew the Kapoors' well, it was hard for them to go. Soon, the atmosphere turned emotional. Alia and Ayra hugged their big brother and parents without letting go. Dadu, Reema, her sons, Sheila, Aaryan and Raksha couldn't hold back their tears. Their parents blessed their daughters and walked away in tears. Aditya couldn't imagine leaving his little sisters. He was going to be alone now. It broke his heart.

"Alia, Ayra... take care of each other and your new family. Be there for each other always. I love you so much. My life will be incomplete without both of you but always know that my love, prayers and blessings are always with my little girls. If there is anything, don't hesitate to talk to me and your parents. Its time for me to go back home. Take care my little ones", tears trickled down his eyes.

"Bhaiyya...", his little sisters screamed and hugged him tight. 

He slowly let go giving kisses on their forehead and walked away. Raksha held his hand and went to drop him to his car. His parents were standing by, waiting for him. Raksha made them a promise. 

"Guddu ji...uncle....aunty... I promise Alia and Ayra will be happy here and we will take care of them. You have my word. I know how I will be loved in your house when I come there as your daughter, it is going to be the same for your daughters. I know its hard but don't worry. We are all one family".

Chetan and Anjali patted on her cheeks and sat in the car. Aditya hugged her and drove away home. Aaryan joined Raksha and saw her wiping away a silent tear.

"Raksha...are you okay?"

"I am. Its just... I don't know how to say it Aaryan". 

"Raksha... you don't have to say anything. I can understand. Come..." 

Aaryan took her home. When they stepped inside, her brothers were nowhere to be found. 

"They went to sleep", said Sheila, cleaning the table. 

Reema was also nowhere to be found. Dadu was silently sitting on his wheelchair.

"Dadu...its late. Did you have your medicines?", asked Raksha.

"Yes dear", Dadu seemed dull. 

Nobody asked the reason because they understood why.

"Dadu, time to sleep. You are tired. We will talk tomorrow. Good night Dadu. Aaryan, can you help Dadu?"

"I will. Dadu, let's get you to bed, come on", Aaryan took Dadu to his room.

He came back in five minutes.

"Ma, Raksha and I will clean this mess. Go and sleep. Don't stress yourself. You have done more than what anyone could have asked for. Please".

"Aaryan is right Sheila Ma, please go to sleep. Good night", she said.

"Good night Ma", Aaryan said. 

"Good night kids", Sheila said and went to her room.

It was just Aaryan and Raksha. 

"Let's finish this. I don't want Alia and Ayra to start their day cleaning the house. Come on Raksha, its already 1am".

"Yes Aaryan, let's do it fast".

They cleaned the rooms, the kitchen and the yard outside. It took 2 hours. The time was 3am, Aaryan sat on the couch to breathe with Raksha near him but they slept off there. Around 6am, Aaryan woke up and saw Raksha asleep. He took her the room and tucker her in, making sure she did not wake up. He slowly opened Dadu's door to see if Dadu was awake but he was asleep. Aaryan went to his room and jumped on his bed. In seconds he fell asleep, again. At 10am, Sheila woke Aaryan up from his sleep.

"Aaryan... wake up...Aaryan..."

He opened his eyes, looked at his mom and then at the clock.

"Good morning Ma".

"Good morning, get up soon and wake your little sister up too. The newly weds have gone to the church, they will be back in an hour. Both of you should finish your breakfasts before they come".

"Okay my darling", he gave her his cute smile.

She pulled his cheek and went out of the room. He brushed his teeth and walked out and saw his grandpa. Dadu was waiting for him and Raksha.

"Aaryan... call Raksha".

"Yes Dadu", he replied and went to wake her up.

Raksha was in a deep slumber. She was just like how he had tucked her in bed. He moved the sheet from her face and shook her like crazy, being that annoying sibling. She opened one eye looking at him and closed it. 

"Aaryan...stop it. Let me sleep!" 

"No. Dadu and Ma is calling you. You need to have your breakfast before your bhabhis' and bhaiyyas' show up".

"Why these new rules?", she was already irritated.

"Don't ask me. I'm doing what I was asked to. Now get up you little monster".

"Fine, I'll have breakfast in bed".

Aaryan laughed. "My baby, this is an Indian household. If you need breakfast in bed, you will have a chappal instead. Come to the table. Now".

He put her on the wheel chair. 

"Good morning little princess" he grinned. "I need you there in five minutes", he said and left the room.

After exact five minutes, Raksha was at the table having her breakfast with Dadu and Aaryan by her side. 

"Sheila Ma, can I have more coffee please?"

"No, one mug is enough. Too much coffee is not good for you", she said.

"I always have a little extra. What's going on here Dadu? Sheila Ma? Aaryan? Did the house rules change?"

"Nothing has changed Raksha. Everything will be fine. Relax", said Dadu.

They were done in a while and waited for their new family members to come home from church.


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