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  Rohan's POV

I was in the living room along with the others. Rahul and I was finally ready to be with them. Rahul sat on the couch beside Ma who was next to Papa. I sat beside Dadu. Raksha was in between me and Rahul. The family reunion happened now, after a year and so many months. It definitely felt like a long time.

"So, boys, ever thought about getting married?" Ma smiled at me and Rahul.

We looked at each other and at Dadu and Raksha. Ma and Papa did not know anything about Malhotra Uncle's daughters. Somebody had to say it before they would suggest other women. I signalled Rahul to talk as he was the oldest child. He agreed.

"Of course. We are old enough to get married Ma", said Rahul.

We still didn't know how we would bring in Uncle's daughters. He continued. 

"Rohan and I are not interested in matrimonial sites as you may know by now. So we thought about the families we know, especially those who have unmarried children. Um... we also thought it would be nice if we got married to the same family. The only family that has two sisters, we know are the Malhotras. I think they should be here for Raksha's birthday and we can talk about it to them and fix the dates if they are okay. What do you think Ma and Papa?" He said it perfectly.

There was a small pause. How would our parents react? Dadu and Raksha never spoke because Ma and Papa should not know this was already planned before.

"I think its a wonderful idea. We saw the girls recently at a function which was not long ago. They are beautiful and also a great family. We know Aditya too, don't we. It sounds like a perfect match to me. What do you think Ranjan ji?" Ma agreed and turned to Papa.

He thought for a while as though he was not fully convinced and decided to speak up, "Both of you know them since childhood and Malhotra is like my brother. There would not be a problem. Papa?" Our Papa asked Dadu as he was the head of the family.

"I like them and the kids. Its a yes, I think we should talk to them on Raksha's birthday as the boys have decided". Dadu agreed too.

Everything fell into place. Rahul, Dadu and I had a smile on our faces but Raksha had a different glow. She had to get married to Aditya. His family had agreed to that but Ma and Papa did not. This was the perfect time to talk about that. 

"What about Raksha? She should be married to Aditya. All the siblings can get married to the same family", Dadu did it.

Raksha was surprised. She never knew this was going to happen.

"Yes, absolutely Dadu. We totally agree to that and Aditya is our best friend and a very nice man", Rahul backed him up.

"Of course he is. We know him since we were born. I don't think we can find anyone better for her. Raksha what about you? Do you like Aditya?" I asked even though we knew she liked him.

"I do bhaiyya. He is nice", she said looking at me and Rahul.

Ma and Papa were not happy that she was happy.

"Why on earth would he marry her and then do what? Take her on his shoulders where ever he goes? There are plenty of good women in the world. Why would he choose someone who can't even take care of herself or even get a glass of water on her own?" Papa got on all our nerves possible.

"He is absolutely right. Don't wantedly ruin Aditya's life, getting him married to her. He definitely can get better choices than this one", Ma said and we couldn't be quiet.

"That's enough!" Rahul got up and so did I. "Ma, Papa, this is the end. Both of you will not speak another word about her again". 

"It is such a shame. She has had enough. Not anymore", I said.

Raksha felt bad because it was all happening on the first day after we came home. Dadu was waiting for this day.

Papa and Ma got up in anger. 

"Staying in London doesn't mean both of you can talk to us this way. Respect your parents!" Papa yelled.

"Respect? Really? Are you talking about respect? Probably you have not heard about this before. Only if you give respect, you will get it in return. I haven't seen you respect Raksha since the day she was born, even you Ma. What did she do to both of you? Nothing is her fault. In fact we have never seen you treat her as a human. She is one of us. What's the point in loving and caring for us when you don't give it to her? She is also your child". 

"Rahul, I said be quiet. Don't you dare advice us. She can never be one of you. I have said this many times and I am saying it now, we did not want her. She is here only because you and Rohan were stubborn to have a younger sibling. You have no idea, how many times we planned on not having her but then we thought about you and Rohan. Both of you were already old enough to know what was going on, we had no choice but to keep her. A stain in our lives forever". Papa yelled.

Raksha cried. Rahul and I knelt down and hugged her tight. 

"Rahul and I were stubborn. We wanted her and this is exactly why we raised her, took care of her and gave her all the love in the world. We became her parents more than being her siblings because we knew you both would never be there for her. We will still be there for her till the day we die!" 

"Don't worry Ma, Papa, she will get married to Adi. We will make sure that will happen. Not everyone has a cruel mind like both of you. If she doesn't get married before we go back, then we will take her with us, and as for Dadu, he will stay in Adi's home. Both of you can stay here forever. Tell me this, have you ever loved Rohan and me truly or was it all a facade just to make her unhappy?" 

"My sons grew up so much that they have began to question our love for them. You really think we did not love both of you?" Ma said.

"You don't understand Ma. We don't want that love which you cannot give to your daughter".

"We decide whom to love and whom not to. This is my house and you will stay here according to my rules and the way I want it to be. Get it! Get her married or take her with you, I don't care. Alive or dead, she doesn't make any difference. How sure are you that she can give him a child after marriage anyway?" Papa crossed his limit.

"You are sick! Absolutely disturbing! Come Rohan" Rahul yelled and we took Dadu and Raksha to her room.

"What did I tell you? All they want is her! You and I don't matter to them anymore!" Papa kept talking.

"Its not like that. I told you I didn't want the last child. You gave importance to the kids and now we have to suffer".

Rahul slammed the door of the room.

"Now you know what's going on here", Dadu was helpless.

"Its all because of me. Our parents relationship with both of you are now ruined. I am indeed a bad omen. Both of you should get married to Aditya's siblings. I will be his friend and nothing more. Maybe Adi is a good man but what if something happens in the future. Let it be, I don't want to be married. Not to Aditya nor to anyone. They should have killed me if all they wanted was to torture me for life". 

Dadu couldn't handle what was going on. He went to his room because he wanted to leave us alone with her. We stayed silent holding her inside our arms, on either sides.

"Its not your fault love" said Rahul. 

"Just let it all out. Nobody will harm you anymore. I promise. Your big brothers and Dadu will not let anything happen to you", I assured her.

"We don't know if this will make you feel any better. Adi loves you and he will marry you", our big brother said.

Instead of being a relief it broke her more. She cried out loud maybe because she did not know what to do anymore. We sat there still holding her in our arms as long as she wanted to be there. We wanted her to let it all out, everything she had been carrying inside of her because now things were going to change for her.

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