"Yes Dalton,  I got you your donut," He replies placing the other bags onto the table. Walking over to Naomi with a smile on his face, he embraces her gently - His actions a bit hesitant. 

"Do I get a donut?" Naomi asks jokingly.

"You get two," Jensen replies easily, his eyes searching her face as they talk. 

"She gets two?" Dalton interjects from the other room he'd just entered, sounding appalled at the statement.

"She gets all the donuts she wants," Jensen says softly, holding Naomi's face in his hands and moving in closer. 

"I'm okay you know, truly," Naomi whispers to him.

"You don't have to be. I don't expect you to be..." Jensen rebuts softly, Naomi detecting a tone of worry.

"I would have hightailed it out of here if I couldn't handle it, Jensen. I would have had you drop me off at Avery's instead of spending the night in your bed. But I didn't, and I'm still here. I need you to stop worrying."

"You didn't need to see the things I did," Jensen starts, running his hand along her cheek, stopping near a small bruise she'd gotten. "That's not something you're going to forget anytime soon. It's going to change the way you see me," 

Moving to stand on her tiptoes, Naomi pulls Jensen toward her, connecting their lips with a kiss, effectively cutting off his sentence. She needed him to stop worrying and to understand that she didn't see him as anything but himself. 

Their mouths move against each other - reckless, desperate, passionate. The two of them trying to convey so much emotion into the intimate action. Jensen's hands move down to her sides, wrapping around her waist. Naomi lets out a surprised gasp as she finds herself being lifted off the ground. Not pulling apart, she wraps her legs around him, pushing her body closer to his. Naomi could feel his fingertips snake underneath the tee shirt she wore - one of his.



Almost four days since their last case and visit to the hunting organization of their victim, there'd been no more attacks that were directly related to the cases added to their pile. Something that presented as suspicious, to say the least. Dean and Calvin followed every clue they could, looking for ways to pinpoint the guilty party but came up empty-handed each time. They knew better than to believe the lack of cases, knowing there was no way the hunters simply stopped their attacks. Calvin's theory of them realizing they were drawing too much attention and changing tactics made more sense. 

"Hey, I'm having a quick catch-up with Naomi and Avery over lunch, want to join?" Calvin says to him breaking him from his thoughts.

"Oh, sure. Where?" Dean responds closing up the files in front of him. 

"Tyra's Taco Truck," Calvin replies with a grin making Dean groan and roll his eyes. 

"Your obsession with that place is alarming my friend. Let's go."


At the little food spot, the two detectives find Naomi and Avery at a table waiting for them. "Hey guys," Calvin greets happily, embracing the two in a short hug. "It's been a while."

"Yeah, the city has been keeping us busy," Avery replies. "Hey Dean, how are you?"

"I'm good, It's nice to see you two again," Dean replies with a nod and a smile. 

"We put in the order you texted it should be ready soon," Naomi informs Calvin as they all take a seat. 

"You texted them your order, Calvin!?" Dean asks incredulously. 

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