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Lisa's POV

I was in bed reading some email my father sent me when I felt my daughter Ella move next to me.

I looked at her and I smiled as she stretched out her little hands while yawning, time flew by so fast, like it was just yesterday when I witnessed how my brave Jennie gave birth to her inside the car on our way to the hospital and now she is one year old already.

She looks like her mom and she got everything including Jennie's behavior. Even though she's only a year old, she knows how to roll her eyes like her mom always does.

I like how people around her love her, she was an adorable little girl who could make people around her happy with her small and naughty gesture.

"dada" she spoke using her adorable voice when she opened her eyes when she noticed my presence.

"good morning to you my little ella." I gently squeezed her little cheek and kissed her forehead.

She giggled and immediately got up and landed on my stomach and I was surprised when she bounced and I writhed in pain because I was not prepared for what she did.

" Ouch." I unconsciously scream because she continues bouncing on my stomach as if she was happy that I was hurting.

I held her and started tickling her when suddenly someone cleared her throat. I looked at my beautiful wife leaning on the door frame and she was smiling.

She is wearing my shirt and her nipples are sticking out from inside, and because she breastfed our daughter and Me, I can really see that her breasts have doubled in size and her hair was tied in a messy bun with her neck exposed making her look fuckable.

"good morning mommy." I greeted her grinning like an idiot because of the perverted thoughts that i'm thinking, Ella still sitting on my stomach.

"good morning babe breakfast is now ready." she says.

"I'm just replying to dad's email, can you get Ella first and take her with you, I'll follow." I told her she smiled and nodded but I frowned when she left the room leaving the door open and left ella with me.

I thought she would take her?

" who wants milk?" Jennie shouted from outside.

"boobie?" Ella said in delight and I smiled because she crawled off the bed and crawled out of the room like a puppy.

I think I want milk too, will I follow? I just shook at the thought.

After I replied to my father's message, I immediately brushed my teeth and followed them to the kitchen.

I found Ella sitting on her high chair while crying her heart out while Jennie was preparing the table. "why are you crying my love?" I asked her with my baby voice as i kissed her head.

" mama no boobie." she cried while pointing at her mom. I think ella got her being a boob monster from me.

I approached Jennie and kissed her on the lips. "You didn't breastfeed her?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes. "ask yourself why you didn't leave something for her, she has no more milk to suck." I giggled because of what she said. Actually, Jennie's boobs are empty of milk, not because I used them but because Ella is 1 year old and I think she only plays with them when she wants to and before she sleeps.

I went back to Ella to comfort her. "it's okay baby, dada will feed you pancakes, stop crying." I said to her and she smiled. "and one more thing your big girl already you shouldn't sucked mommy's milk." I added as I handed her a pancake and she happily accepted it.

I saw Jennie shake her head while smiling at us.

Ella was busy eating her favorite breakfast so I approached my beautiful wife and hugged her.

"Mommy, I want to eat too, but my favorite meal is not on the table." I try to tease her.

She kissed me on the lips and caressed my cheek. "I love you." she randomly said.

wow!!!! I didn't expect that, I thought she would be annoyed

"why is my baby so sweet today?" I asked her, she rolled her eyes again and broke the hug.

"I hate that you always ask me why I'm sweet to you, Can't I be sweet to you because I'm your wife and i love you? If you don't want to, then don't." she snorted.

I pulled her and caressed her cheek before I kissed her on the lips, I smiled as I heard her soft moan in the middle of our kiss as I put one of my hands inside her shirt I gently caressed her boobs. We stopped when Kuma suddenly barked and I writhed in pain as I felt someone bite my leg.

What the heck is that?

Good thing I didn't kick my foot because when I looked to see who bit me I saw my naughty daughter looking at me as if I had done something bad to her. I don't even know how she got down from her high chair.

Jennie chuckled and gave Kuma food and I carried my very beautiful but naughty daughter.

"why did you bite dada, baby?" I pouted and I was shocked when she hit my mouth which surprised me.

I don't even know from whom she inherited her sadistic nature from.

" bad dada , bite mama, No touch mama bobie that's mine." she said that made me giggle.

She looks so adorable when she's mad like she's a doll in a horror movie hehehe just kidding, of course my daughter is beautiful because she took her mommy's race.

"Ella, hitting is bad, don't do it again, okay?" Jennie scolded her and she started crying even though her mom never did anything to her

Jennie took her from me and put her back in her high chair.

I smiled as I looked at my wife how she was able to calm Ella with just a hug and she could make her cry with simple words.

" good morning ,kuku."
I ruffled kuma's fur before sitting on my seat. Jennie put food on my plate before sitting next to me and Ella went back to eating her favorite pancake.

"Babe, I called the doctor earlier and she said I need to be there tomorrow for an ultrasound to check our baby's heartbeat." she said before she drank her milk.

" ohh , okay Me and Ella will go with you ." I told her before I touched her flat tummy.

Before I forget, Jennie is pregnant again, we found out yesterday when she took a pregnancy test and it was positive. We were both very happy because of the thought that we are having another baby soon.

"hello to you little bean, be good to mommy okay." I whispered before kissing Jennie on the forehead.

Jennie smiled at me before she went to Ella to collect the messy food of our daughter.

I am proud of my wife, she is a strong woman, she went through a lot that tested her strength, from fighting her depression because of my Mother to the loss of our first baby but here she is now happy to be with us.

I once thought that she was selfish but she wasn't because Jennie, is one of the most selfless women I've ever met.

Jennie being responsible, good mother and wife, I can say that I couldn't ask for anything more.

Our family is not perfect because we can't avoid being jealous of each other sometimes. Like duh! We are both good looking It's a normal thing hehe. the important thing is that we end the day hugging each other with our growing family.


Happy birthday again Jennieah❤️❤️

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