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Lisa's POV

I was eating lunch with Rosie, Abie and my beloved girlfriend here at the company cafeteria. We keep on laughing at Rosie as she tells us about the weird girl she met at a business event in Busan. She asked for the number and the girl kindly gave her as if she was in interested, but when Rosie called, she found out that the number belonged to a brain specialist.

She was not mad, in fact she became more interested in finding that woman.

We continued our conversation while eating when Captain Taehyung suddenly appeared at our table.

I didn't notice that he had already finished his contract. Now that he's here I know that he will start to annoy my girlfriend again and i hate myself that i can do anything about it.

It's been more than a year but he still doesn't want to stop courting my girlfriend, even though Jennie already told him that she is in a relationship he keeps on insisting his love for her and I honestly want to punch him right now.

"Hi Jen! it's been a long time by the way these flowers are for you ." he said smiling.

okay, calm yourself Lisa, this idiot has nothing compared to you. I reminded myself.

I noticed that Rosie and Abie looked at me  and I assured them that I can still control myself as of now.

I saw that my girlfriend let out a fake smile as she accepted the flowers. I know that she just didn't want to be rude so she just accepted it "thank you sir." She says plainly .

"Can I invite you to dinner later?"  okay !! now my blood starting to boil.

"sorry sir but my girlfriend and I have a date so it's not possible." I don't remember that we would date later so I know that she used that as a reason to reject this man. I smirked when V frowned.

" Girlfriend? you know what Jen, I follow you on social media and you don't post any photos with your so called girlfriend, are you just saying that to avoid me?" he asked.

"We don't need to make our relationship public, sir, so out of respect to my relationship with her, I hope you stop courting me." Jennie said politely.

I started to be unable to cope with the anger I feel, if this man doesn't stop I will really explode I knew that Jennie had noticed it whe I felt her hold my hand under the table.

"Sorry Jen, but I won't give up. You won't get anything from a woman she can't satisfy your needs so I know the day will come when you'll get tired of her and you will end up choosing a man and I'm willing to wait for that day to come"  

Wait ! did he just insult me? I ask myself

"Please, don't judge her without knowing her sir. Believe me she's an amazing person and i don't see anyone in my future only her"  Jennie said makes my heart flutter.

" just please give me a chance. I'm 100% sure that i'm better than her ." He insist.

Okay that enough. I couldn't stop myself anymore. I stood up and grabbed Taehyung by his collar  which surprised everyone that are here in the cafeteria with us.

"Lisa." I heard Jennie calling my name but I can't control myself anymore.

"sorry, Captain, but when my Girlfriend already tells you to stop courting her, you should stop." I said firmly emphasizing the word girlfriend which made his eyes widen.

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