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Lisa's POV

It was nine o'clock in the evening when the meeting I attended ended. I received a message  from my girlfriend earlier that she was going to hang out and catch up with Abie because they hadn't seen each other in a long time. I wanted to spend time with her but I chose not to disturb them It's been a long time since they've seen each other so I'm sure they miss each other.

I brought Jennie with me to the company because my father called for an emergency meeting, I didn't want to leave her alone at the mall so I took her with me.

Most of the regular employees who know her were surprised when they saw her again, especially Abie. They were close friends then and if there is anyone who knows Jennie's true personality, it is Abie, and i know  she was surprised by the new Jennie.

Even dad noticed and commented on why Jennie has suddenly changed, I just shrugged because I don't even know why. When I ask her, she always answers that she just wants to try something new.

What happened a month ago that she posted something that i don't like on her IG account? God knows how I begged her to delete that photo but it didn't work.

  She didn't delete it, instead she promised me that that was the last time she would post something like that on her social media.

I hate how she grabs so much attention with what she wears, that was so different from what she used to wear before. I am mad that she shows a lot of her skin, but I can't do anything because she's so stubborn and when I insist on what I want we'll just end up fighting ,so I just let her and make sure I can protect her from the hormonal people around her.

While I was fastening my seat belt, on my way home when I received a call from an unknown number, I answered it thinking it was important

Hello, is this Lisa?

I frowned when I heard Abie's voice.

hi it's me, why did you get called? Are you still with Jennie?

I suddenly felt nervous.

yes ma'am she was with me, I called because she si drunk we are here at the bar and she doesn't want to go home.

Send me the address, I'm on my way.

I didn't let her answer anymore and I immediately hung up.

God damn it !! When did she learn to drink? I received a message from Abie and immediately drove to the address she sent.

I arrived at the bar as fast as possible and I immediately saw where Abie and Jennie were. I approached them.

" why are you both here?" I asked Abie because Jennie was hugging the table, obviously very drunk.

" After the end of office hours a while ago, she asked me to hang out and I didn't know that we were going here, I tried to stop her but she didn't want to stop drinking." she explained.

What is happening to her, why is he acting like this? first, the type of her clothes suddenly changed, now she is learning to get drunk. I can't help but be disappointed.

"Did you drink?" I ask .

"Yes, but only a little and my tolerance for alcohol is a bit high."

"can you go home by your self?"

"I can ma'am ." she responded.  I looked at her and it was obvious that she was still in her right mind so I said goodbye to her and brought with me my unconscious girlfriend.

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