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Jennie's POV

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when I finished all the special order of cakes and I immediately changed my clothes to visit Lisa at the hospital as I promised her. Honestly, my body is tired but I just don't like to break my promise and I also want to see her before my day ends.

Yesterday was the happiest. Lisa and I officially got back together. I love her, I never lost my love for her, even though many years have passed, she is still the  love of my life  and my dream is to be with her for the rest of my life and to have family with her.

While I was walking towards Lisa's room, I heard the nurses talking about something that made my blood boil. I hate to hear such words, i feel like slitting their necks  but i stop myself because somehow i don't want to be a criminal.

I thought I already learned how to ignore what other people say, but now I've proven that I can't still get rid of my insecurities and I hate myself for it. I immediately pushed that thought away so that somehow it doesn't completely change my mood.

"Do i really don't care ?" I ask myself i close my eyes and shake my head to erase the negative thoughts that in turning into my mind

I opened the door and Lisa's smile immediately welcomed me, I approached her and kissed her  forehead.

"how was your day?" i ask sweetly to cover my emotion.

"boring but I'm happy because you're already here, baby i miss you." she acts cute and she moved a bit and tap the small space of her bed because she wanted me to sit next to her.

I caressed her cheek and I smiled because her face is not so bad as yesterday, she still has bruises but her lips are not so swollen anymore and the cut has healed a bit.

I sat next to her and carefully wrapped my hand around her waist, i miss her and this is it, I feel all the tiredness and anxiety vanish in an instant when I felt her kiss me on the top of my head. "hmmm, my baby is tired?." Lisa ask as she rubbed my shoulder.

"I love you." i randomly said.

"why despite what happened and despite what my mom did you still love me?" she asked lowly, I pressed my head on the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent.

I miss having this kind of intimate moment with her it feels so good, and I love this feeling every time I'm with her.

"because I love you Lisa, there is no other reason and about your Mom, it's not your fault so don't blame yourself because you two are different people." i said confidently

I'm the only one to blame because I was so weak that I couldn't defend myself, I let them oppress me, I failed to fight for our relationship.

"What do you love about me?" she asked again that brought me back from my deep thoughts.

I broke the hug and looked at her. "I love your eyes, the way you stare at me like i'm the most beautiful woman on earth. I like how you worship my body when you do me. "

"but we haven't done it yet." She interrupted me.

"Yahhhhh I'm not done yet and what I'm referring to is before." I complain but I smiled when I saw how her eyes sparkle when she heard what I said.

I held her hand and intertwined our fingers. "I love your hands the way they hold mine." she smiled and kiss the back of my hand.

I pressed our lips together lightly enough not to hurt her cut . "I love your lips as if it is carved to fit mine" she pouted.

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