“I know you and I have history but when you are under my employ, you will not speak to me in such a manner or question my actions. I’ve been lenient with you but I can no longer put up with your infernal behaviour. Either you adjust your way of thinking and give Maya the respect that she deserves, or I will have no choice but to fire you,” I told her levelly and she gasped heatedly before flouncing away in indignation.

I still do not comprehend why she acted to badly towards Maya. I cannot tolerate anyone doing that to her. Oh my goodness, are these words coming out of my own head? I shook my head and smiled at my odd internal conversations, before pacing over to Maya’s room. I arrived at the door and knocked twice before letting myself in. 

There she lay under the covers, her body contorted in a foetal position, her wild curls peeking out of the duvet. I could here her groan lowly as she wriggled slightly about in pain. I immediately went over to her and sat beside her, worry settling in my chest. I reached out my palm to her forehead, only to sense that her temperature was way too high. 

She flinched at my touch and turned to face me, a grimace marring her sweet features. “Theodore, w-what are you doing here? You should be on your way out by now,” she spoke with strangulation. It was also the first time she called me by my first name and I found it oddly satisfying. Could I get any weirder?

I brushed the hairs out of her face, not hiding the concern from my face. “You have a fever. What’s wrong? You were fine last night. Do we need to visit a doctor?” I asked her gently and she scoffed before moving upwards into a sitting position, her upper half leaned back on the head board.

“I don’t need a doctor for this particular ailment,” she replied gingerly but not quite making eye contact. But she was basically scorching, in the literal sense that is, and she was claiming not to need a physician? 

“What if it’s serious. You have no idea what-,” I urged but she cut me off with an exasperated tone, and a glare.

She threw her hands up in vexation. “I’m on my period. There, I said it. I usually get sick on the first day so it’s not a big deal. I’ll be fine in a couple of hours…and you just made me admit the most mortifying thing possible to a man. Are you happy now?” she all but spat through gritted teeth. I blinked at her sudden outburst before erupting into a fit of laughter. I heard her scoff at my reaction and push at my shoulder. 

It was cute that she could be this free and snappy around me, probably due to the delirium induced by the fever, because let’s face it, if she were in the right state of mind, she wouldn’t have called me Theodore or just shoved me away. It was very refreshing to be around her without the air around us infiltrated by sexual tension or animosity. 

“I don’t think that’s at all mortifying. It’s a normal part of womanhood, nothing to be ashamed off. Have you taken any medication?” I added calmly and I saw something flash in her eyes so fast that I couldn’t decipher it. She shook her head and bit her lip before looking away. I wasn’t supposed to be turned on by that simple gesture but my nerves were haywire. I better leave before I do something stupid

I stood up and cleared my throat. “Well, I’ll send over Ann with something from the medicine cabinet. You have my permission to rest for the whole day, if you’d like. No need to leave the bed and stress yourself out,” I said whilst sliding my hands into my pocket.

“Okay,” she muttered and her honey-coloured irises met mine. So innocent yet so tempting. Before I could stop myself, I bent over and cupped her face compassionately before placing a lingering kiss on her forehead. Her eyes fluttered shut and her small hand covered mine.

This is exactly what I meant when I said I am an impulsive man. I always ignore my voice of reason and end up getting myself in unusual situations. In what warped universe does a boss treat his employee so warmly; so tenderly? There are many reasons as to why this is wrong but at the same time, it felt natural that I’d gravitated towards Maya. There was a magnetic force behind her fierce yet shy persona. Her eyes were hypnotic, her lips mesmerising. But most importantly, I was greatly drawn to her personality. 

And that’s when I began to realise that my heart wasn’t as shuttered as I thought it was.

It was still very much alive, and beating fast right now because of her. All evidence was pointing towards the fact that I’d grown fond of her over the last few weeks, which is something that hasn’t occurred in years. Yolanda had fought hard to capture my heart but it always eluded her. I’d interacted with many women, even bedded a whole lot more…so what was it that had me in the palm of Maya Knight’s hand? When all we have done is share kisses?

Pushing my agonizing train of thought away, I stroked my thumb over her cheek before completely pulling away. I pivoted on my heels and strode out of the door, not letting it be evident that the guilt I was feeling almost made me collapse to the floor. You’re not suitable for her, my conscience reminded me as I walked towards my room to grab my briefcase. I can only drag her into my dark and gloomy world of self-loathing and fear of commitment.  

I have never felt this defenceless before; like a lost kitten in a labyrinth. My inner voice was right, I’m not the right man for her. She already thinks I’m a walking red flag, which I totally am. I’m leading her on with my confusing actions and if I’m not mistaken, that emotion I saw flashing in her eyes was admiration and something close to a certain emotion I once felt for someone. And that blasted emotion ruined my entire outlook on relationships and life in general.

“I should have listened to Yolanda,” I sighed, leaning back in my office chair. I’d already been at work for three hours and yet I couldn’t concentrate on a damn thing. 

I could always go overseas to handle my foreign affairs, but my mother would chop my head off and barbecue it on an open flame. That was definitely off the table. Distancing myself from her would only drive me insane, so that wasn’t really an option either. What am I going to do to put an end to what exists between the both of us?

The answer came in the form of none other than Yolanda Heinz herself.


Hi guys. How are we doing? Did you enjoy your weekend?

I sincerely hope you enjoyed this chapter. Maya and Theo are just so cute, aren't they?

Are we ready for Yolanda's return?

Warning, lots of drama up ahead and a major turn of events! 📍📢

So guys, I usually update on Monday and Friday so you have something to wait for during the week and be kept guessing during the weekends.

But, if you'd like me to, I can throw in the occasional Wednesday update ... However the story would end a lot sooner than you'd hope.

What would you prefer? Two updates per week or three? Think carefully about this. 😉

Depending on the outcome, I'll see you sometime this week. Remember to vote, comment and share. I always want to know what you have to say about my work. I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to do so 🙂.

~Deetronite ❤️🤍❤️🤍

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