The Ogimoto house

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We were walking through the entertainment district in our outfits, I really enjoyed the (f/c) one they gave me. Suddenly Tengen starts to talk to me.
"Since your just about the only one here that looks buyable I want you to hide behind me until we get an offer for one of you to go to the Ogimoto house, that is where I have my main suspicion." He stated. He could have just called me pretty but buyable?! When I get my hands on him I swear.
" I want you to take Inoko(Inoske) with you because he can not talk because his voice is so deep so you two are now sisters." I nodded and moved behind him. He went on to tell everyone that plan. First we took a visit at the Tokito house.
" Oh my... what an interesting group of girls you have here," said the people in charge of the house. They weren't wrong. The makeup looked horrible.
" Mam please reconsider, I can promise you they are at a very reasonable price," Aka pretty much free. He had his hair down and he fixed up his look and all of a sudden it was look out for mister hot shot. It was honestly pissing me off. The woman was flustered looking at Tengen. 
" Oh-I-I guess we'll take that one, she seems v-very obedient," said the lady tripping over her words. Honestly her poor husband was right there.
"I'll do my best Mam!" Sumiko(Tonjiro) said enthusiastically. And just like that Sumkio was sold. Of course Zenitsu was mad how he sold Sumiko with his charm.
" Hey who is that girl," I ask curios as to who that lady with the fancy outfit and tall shoes was.
" that my young y/n is an Oirian. She is the top prostitute in her house," Tengen continued. Don't get me wrong she was beautiful but I don't think I would ever want to lead that life style. Inoko was sitting on the floor picking at his ear. I was going to tell him to get up and try to fit the role more when there was a voice behind us.
" excuse me sir is that girl right there for sale?" We got questioned by the lady.
" well yes but we are looking for the Ogimoto house to sell into sorry," Tengen said respectfully.
" Oh well your in luck! I would be the head at the Ogimoto house and we would love to have her! After all I don't think I can pass up such a beauty," I smiled and the thanked the girl.
" well we will accept this trade but she needs to go with her sister, I love and care for these girls and refuse to separate them," he said solemnly. Yeah he loves us but is selling us give me a break.
She took a glance at Inoko and cringed. " uh... o-of course!" She said trying to keep up her polite mask. And just like that we were sold. Poor Zenko(Zenitsu). We arrived to the house and the first thing they did was take off our make up.
" Oh look at them! We really scored today! The other sister is just as beautiful!" They shouted. I tried my hardest not to laugh and Inoske tried not to rampage. After they did that they gave us time to unwind.
" listen when you want to say no shake your head left to right, when you want to say yes shake your head up and down, and when you want to tell me something grab my hand and whisper in my ear,like this." I say grabbing his hand. He looked at me and turned pink a bit but nodded his head.
" Don't worry! I believe in us!" I said. I guess I'm ready for what ever they throw at us.

I know this chapter was a little boring but don't worry! Next chapter I will spice it up a bit you'll see there will be all the fluff you could ever want! I really appreciate all the people who have read and commented on this! So please enjoy next update will be as soon as I can because of finals so bare with me! Love y'all!! (716 words)

- Author.

Wild love ( Inoske x Femreader ) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang