Pretty boy's Pretty girl

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Inoske's POV:

"How can I help you pretty boy?" Y/n asked tilting her head a bit. I was already sweating and my breath was uneven. I can't believe Monitsu finds this stuff easy with girls. I noticed the floor boards bump a bit. I looked down and notice the Y/n was having a bit of trouble walking over.
"You should be resting need to heal up as quickly as possible," I said picking her up bridal style and laying her into the bed. She turned pink a bit and thanked me.
"Here I-uh brought you some flowers...." I said handing her the dandelions. They were my favorite flower I hope she liked them.
"Aw thanks Inoske!" She said ruffling my hair and putting them in a vase next to her.
"So what did you want to talk about Pretty boy?" She said tilting her head a bit. I had no idea what to do in that moment. I just wish she knew and I didn't have to say anything because at this moment I couldn't find the words.
"So Y/n should-.." I had still no clue what to do. I was hot as a tomato and looked like a fool.
"Are you ok Inoske? You feel hotter than the sun." She said getting real close to me putting her hand up to my forehead. I just about lost my mind. My stomach filled with those things. Monitsu told me they were butterflies...
"BAHHHHH I CANT DO THIS!" I said huddling in a ball burying my head in my knees.
"Inoske what are you doing?! Your acting so strange!" She said laughing with a huge smile. Her smile just made twice as more butterflies come rushing in. I god how I loved my Y/n 's smile.
"Okay!" I said standing up still a bit embarrassed.
"So dandelions shine and they are sweet....I mean your a dandelion...I mean you shine with dandelions.. I mean you look like a dandelion...AHHHHHHHHH!" I started stomping my feet and running in a tight circle. I WAS MESSING THIS UP SO BAD! MONITSU TOLD ME TO BE ALL POETIC AND STUFF AND I WAS TRYING. I STILL DONT KNOW WHAT POETIC MEANS. Y/n was laughing harder and smiling brighter. I turned to her and smiled.

Y/n POV:

I still do not know what is going on with Inoske but he was just hilarious! I was losing my mind with laughter. I turned back to him wiping a tear from my eye. He was smiling at me all pink in the face. He chuckled.
" You know Y/n you have the prettiest smile and laugh I've ever seen.." he said in a serious tone. My eyes widened and I instantly turned red.
"Oh wow thank you so much Inoske that means a lot..!" I muttered out. He walks over to me and takes my hands in his.
" Look Y/n there is something I have to tell you and it's super important so listen closely." He says taking a deep breath in.
"When I was living alone in the mountains I found comfort in the flowers. The dandelions to be specific. From the first day I met you I found comfort in you...just like a dandelion. You let me into your home and treated me with care. From the second day of knowing you I didn't want to leave your side. The more I got to know you the more comfort I found in you. You are just like a dandelion Y/n. You go where the wind takes you and you elegant and sweet, people can rely on you to help reach their goals and you make people smile. Y/n I love every single thing about you...the way you make me feel safe, the way you make me feel loved, the way you make me feel comfortable,they way you make me smile, and the way you make me feel like I have a best friend in the whole world. Someone I trust my life with and someone I want to spend the rest of it with... my beautiful Y/n what I'm trying to say is.....

.....WILL YOU PLEASE BE MY GIRLFRIEND!" He said. I was sprach less and teary eyed. He was looking down and about 20 different shades of red. He was shaking a bit from the anticipation of my answer.
"Inoske my pretty boy of course I will be!" I said cupping his face. 
"You are such a strong and brave person with an incredible heart and an amazing personality. You mean the world to me and I don't know what I would do without you!" I said as we made eye contact. He was silent....

"YAYYY ALRIGHT!!" He shouted tackling me down to the bed kissing me. He wasn't to good at kissing but I didn't mind. We stopped kissing each other and looked at each other sharing a laugh.
" you know dandelions are weeds right?" I said smirking raising and eye brow at him.
"Damn it of course Monitsu was right that stupid jerk!" Inoske shouted flustered from embarrassment. His arms were around me and mine were around his. I laughed.
"I don't mind being a weed so long as I'm yours Inoske. I love you my sweet boy." I said kissing his cheek.
"That's good because I'm yours, and I love you my sweet flower." He responded
"Weed not flower" I said trying to get up.
"Oh whatever! let's just stay here." He said holding on to me tighter.
"I guess it won't hurt anyone." I said relaxing in his arms. Except this time I get to calm him mine while I'm in his arms.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I know this is low key kinda corny but it is what it is. TADA THEY ARE A COUPLE NOW YAAAYYY. Is it just me or is the dandelion thing totally his favorite "flower" even though it's a weed, that is so like him but it's adorable. Anyways I hoped y'all liked that! More chapters will be out soon once I figure out how to freestyle it! ( if you have any ideas of what you want to see happen or ideas/ your own plot ideas for a chapter go ahead and let me know and I'll give you tag you for credit for the idea in that chapter!) until next time my awesome readers! Good night/ good day my sweet dandelions!

(1089 words)

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