How could you?!

515 21 44

Inoske POV:

"Come on you guys my mom and dad said I could play so let's play!!"

A child's voice. A little girl.
I open my eyes to see a little h/c girl playing pass with some friends. I do not know how I got here but the sight of the little girl playing with her friends made me smile.

"Hey y/n! I just noticed that bracelet where did you get it!!," one kid shouted to her in curiosity.


I Look down to the girl. So this was so y/n as a kid huh...? She was so sweet and innocent. I have never notice her wear this bracelet before?
She hold out her hand showing the delicate bracelet around her wrist. It was so thin you could barely see it.

"My dad gave it to me on my birthday! Isn't it the cutest thing!!" All the girls and guys swarmed around her admiring the jewelry.

"Wow! Your so lucky y/n!!"
"So pretty!!!"
"It suits you so well!!"

All the kids where showering her with attention.
"You guys stop that I'm blushing!!" She shouted giggle jumping up and down holding her red cheeks. I laughed at the sight of happy little y/n.

"I wouldn't trade my parents for the world! They mean the world to me!! I'll do anything to keep them safe!" She shouted jangling the bracelet around because it was just a little too big for the child's little wrist. I smiled and closed my eyes thinking about the sweet scene, but when I open them again I am met with horror.

"Mom.....Dad...." I see then young y/n drop to her knees soaked in her tears at the sight of her parents bloodied bodies that where stone cold; wreaking of death. I grit my teeth trying to even stand the sight of what was displayed before me.

"What did you do!?"
"Why didn't you tell anyone!?"
"You just had to go out and play now didn't you!?"
"Young child This is disgusting!"

I widen my eyes along with the young y/n before me and turn around in sync with her.

"It's not my fault..." she whimpered stumbling to the other elders for comfort. The young y/n tried latching on to one of the elders for comfort but was shoved away.
" do not come near me you sin! If the devils didn't take you then you belong with them!" The elders shouted chasing her away.

"Mom, Dad I'm so sorry!!" She shouted running away not even getting to say goodbye. I was infuriated. I touched my cheek and felt the warm tears run down my face.

"HOW COULD YOU!!" I shouted turning to the elders.

"They cannot hear you. This is you dear y/n memories stored away in the back of her head."
I turn back around to see the demon before me getting more angry as the tears streamed down.
"Didn't you hear the towns folk? She a devil child, she may not by blood be a demon but yet they say she is one, telling her it is her fault her beloved parents are dead;how does that make you feel?"  The demon spat out putting a finger under my chin tilting it upwards. I smacked its hand away.
"You should join me boy...y/n Is a monster anyways.." it continued.


"I am the one who killed her it doesn't matter who is good and bad now..."

I clenched my knuckles so hard they turned white.

"You make me sick.... You stupid idiot.." I sharply responded.

"I am with y/n no matter what, and y/n is certainly not a devil; because if the devil were to look into her eyes he would kiss them and repent. Ever since y/n looked at me with those eyes she had me. I would watch the world burn if it meant she could keep even the smallest glint of happiness in her eyes. Every breath she takes is one I cherish, every walk she makes is one I will watch over, every smile she has across her face is one that makes me lighter; light like I'm walking on air. Every tear she sheds is another knife into my heart. Don't you get it. Her Every single anything; is my everything. So I will not join you!!" I said readying my swords.

"Very well you have no other option than to die!!" The demon shouted charging at me.

"Do your worst!! Talk about her even when we are no longer walking the same earth and watch me dance with the devils every time I heat it!" I shouted before I saw light.

I open my eyes, putting my hands in front of my face noticing how bloodied they were. I feel like shit. I must've gotten pretty beat to feel like this. I'm pretty much at my limit.

"DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!! DIE!! DIEEEE!!!" I heard a girl shout a at myself up noticing it was y/n. She was furious. I steadied myself then look around till I landed on y/n. I widened my eyes in horror. She was way beyond her limit. She was fueled by rage and was running on nothing but that and adrenaline. She was bleeding everywhere, bruised, and definitely broken many bones and tore many muscles. She was going to win as the demon was stuck in a widened expression accepting its defeat any second now. I stumbled slowly forward. I didn't want to interfere in this fight, the demon killed her parents, she definitely wants to fight this on her own.


The head of the demon rolled off and the body slowly disintegrated. She got it...she was still fueled by anger and didn't stop none the less.

"DIE!! DIE!!! DIIEEEEE!! DIE YOU STUPID BASTARDDDDD!!" She was stabbing the dead body relentlessly sobbing and screaming. Her tears landing in the corpse were filled with such emotion it almost made it seem like the body was burning faster. I stumbled closer to her. Yet she didn't sense me. She was so enraged it was like no body else existed.

"GO TO HELL YOU PIECE OF SHIT!! YOU RUIN MY LIFE!! BE GONE ALREADY!!" She kept shouting and crying even though her body was screaming and beging her to stop. My stumbles turned into a pathetic run until I reached her and stopped her sword from the next stab.

"You got it y/n your safe...." I said softly giving her a small smile. She looked at me like she saw a ghost and clung onto my waist sobbing into my pants.
"In-o-ske!! I th-ou-ght I-I los-st yo-u!!!" She shouted sobbing harder almost filling collapsing into me. I dropped to my knees and hugged her like she was going to vanish any second. I kiss the top of her head and continued to cry silently with her.
"It's okay! It's okay! I am right here it's okay! Shhh Shhh Shhhh," I comforted her whispering sweet nothing into her ear. Her grip loosened.
"I'm never going to let you go Inoske," she said weakly now that the adrenaline wore off and the pain and exhaustion hit her like a ton of bricks.
I cradled her in my arms as she was slowly passing out. I kissed her forehead and held on to her tighter.
"And I'm never going to leave your side, my love." I said in her ear as she drifted away into a heavy sleep.

HELLO MY SWEET ANGLES I HOPE YOU ENJOYYEDDD!! I know that this chapter is super angsty but don't worry loves you will get fluff in the next chapter I promise!! I made sure to make this one extra long since I made you guys wait for quite some time!!! I love you all and I hope you have a great night/day!!! -author

( 1371 words )

Wild love ( Inoske x Femreader ) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang