Modern Special!!

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This chapter is a thing because of three reasons...:
1.I don't know how to continue the storyline right now
2.some people have expressed wanting to see a possible modern oneshot
3. ALMOST 6 K?!??!? HUH?!?!!?!

THANK YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT THIS IS INSANE!!!!!!!! Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter! -Author

Inoske POV:

"Inoske I have a gift for you!!" Tanjiro shouts while walking through my door. It always scares me at first but then I remember I did give him one of my spare keys.
"Alright! Let's see it!" I said with excitement. He looks at me with a suspenseful expression and reached behind his back. Then he puts his little kid sister in front of me and runs away.
"I got to go to work!!thanks for watching her!!" He runs out the door frantically then gets in his car and zooms off. I just stand there baffled than it hits me....

"TANJIRO YOU BASTARD!!!" I shout while covering little Nezuko's ears. Tanjiro would absolutely kill me if I taught her any. Crap. I CANT Control kids what so ever. Nezuko looks at me and giggles.
"Alright little Nezuko....let's be calm now easy....easy..." I say in a hushing tone while trying to approach the small 8 year old. She smiles and then dashed off to god knows where. I look to my right and she's already throwing everything around making a mess and treating my apartment as if it was a jungle.
"HEY HEY WAIT DONT DO THAT!! THATS NOT A TOY!! GET BACK HERE!! LISTEN TO ME!!". I say chasing her around and I still couldn't get her to be reasonable. What do I do?!? Think! who the hell do I know that's good with kids?...." I thought for a moment before grabbing my phone and texting y/n.

                                 Pretty girl🥰⚔️

                                                        Boarboy 💙⚔️
                                                        Y/N HELP ME!!!
Pretty girl🥰⚔️
                                                            Boarboy 💙⚔️
                 NO! Tanjiro dropped little Nezuko here             and she's going crazy what do I do?!

Pretty girl🥰⚔️
On my way. Be there in ten pretty boy;).

If she ever found out her contact name was that she would give me so much shit for it...and I hate it when I look red

I proceeded to chase little Nezuko around for 10 minutes until I hear a knock on the door. FINALLY. I sprint and open the door to see y/n standing there with some groceries.
"Hi there pretty boy ;)" she looks at me and a pink color dusts my cheeks and the tip of my ears go pink too. I look at her pleadingly as she looks at my tired eyes,messed up hair,and messed up cloths.
"Please help me." I say clasping my hands together. She ruffles my hair and walks in.
"Don't worry I got this."

"Little Nezuko now that auntie y/n is here you have to stop messing up poor Inoske's apartment." She says with a huff.Nezuko stuck out her tongue and kept running around creating chaos.
"No? Oh well guess I just have to eat these strawberry marshmallows all by my self." She says taking out the candy and waving them around. Nezuko stops in her tracks and runs up to y/n like she is holding the key to the world. She reaches her hand up and does and open and closing motion.
"After I make dinner and you help Uncle Inoske pick up the mess you made you can have all the marshmallows you want." She says patting her head and walking to the kitchen pulling out the grocery ingredients. I just stared at her in awe while Nezuko started to pick up eager for the treat.

Y/n's amazing.

After I help Nezuko pick up the mess she comes over to me and tugs on the waistline of my pants.
"Can we go watch Auntie y/n cook now?" She asks tilting her head
"Sure we can Nezuko!" I say patting her head and pulling out a chair for her and lifting her to the tall chair of the island.
"What are you making Auntie y/n?" Nezuko asked her . Y/n turns around a bit
"I'm making Uncle Inoske's favorite dinner in the whole world!" She says Continuing to make the soba noodles with extra pork. I rest my head in my hand and look at her while pink dusts my face again. How perfect can someone get?

"Dinners ready!!" She shouts dishing up the meal and giving one to Nezuko than me. She serves herself and sits down at the table. We make small talk with each other until Nezuko asks a question.
" so Auntie Y/n... if Inoske is Uncle Inoske and your Auntie Y/n....That means your married right?" Nezuko asks tilting her head. We both choke on our food turning red. She swallowed her food and laughs a bit. She stands up clearing her and Nezuko's plate heading for mine. She leans down to grab my dish kissing the my nose on the to grab it.
"Sadly no ;)," she says as she heads off into the kitchen to clean the plates. I turns the darkest shade of red and fall out of my chair.
"I THINK I BROKE HIM?!" Nezuko shouts panicking jumping out of her seat to help me up.
Y/n laughs still dusted with pink herself.
"Alright Nezuko you can turn on a movie and have your treat now" Y/n says as she tosses the girl her marshmallows.
"Yes!!!I'm going to watch my show!!"
"The one about the swordsman and demons again? How morbid Nezuko!" Y/n she chuckled to herself finishing the dishes. I abruptly got up super embarrassed and headed over to Y/n and Nezuko who were both on the couch snuggled up. I sit next to her and cuddle in, letting her head rest on my chest as I put an arm around her shoulder. This just might be the best thing ever.

After 20 minutes Little Nezuko is asleep and Y/n is the next one to go. I look at her and smile use my hand to bring her head up so I can kiss the top off it.
"Thanks for everything, My pretty girl." I whisper running my hand through her hair. She smells really nice. I think as I close my eyes smelling her shampoo as I smile. She leans into me.
"Don't mention it, My pretty boy." Her whispers as she falls asleep on me. Well I guess I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight.

SORRY FOR MAKING YOU WAIT MY PRETTIES!! I hope you like this I promise I will get back on track with the storyline as soon as I know what to do with it! Sadly this story will be coming to an end really soon! I love you guys soooo much!! Thank you guys for the support I really appreciate you!! Have a great day/night!!

(1170 words)

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