Mirror mirror on the floor

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"Owww I have a head ache.." I said getting up feeling a bit groggy. I sit up and look around. I feel weight at my lap. Inoske was resting his head on my lap . I smiled and started playing with his hair. He tossed and turned  a bit groaning Waking up.
"Yay your awake! Do you feel better?!" He said with a huge smile.
"I have a small head ache but besides that I do!" I shouted back looking outside. It was 4:45 pm.
"Wow I slept a lot.." I mumbled under my breath.
" yeah, you must've been tired." He said back. Oh crap. The sun was gonna set in about 30 minutes.
" I'll get dressed, and then we can head out and look for the demon okay?" I said, running off to freshen up. He nodded and laid there on the map on the mat.

-time skip-

We've been searching for quite a while. It's now 6:45 pm.
" we have been looking for so long and still nothing, kind of strange don't you think?" I said, looking over at him.
" yeah, it is kind of stra-," he started, but stopped midsentence.
" did you notice something?" I said, grabbing the hilt of my sword.
" there's a demon nearby...." he said, taking one of his breathing form stances.
" found it!" he shouted, running towards the direction he detected the demon in. I ran with him. We ran for a good 30 seconds until Inoske came to a screeching halt.
"It should be near here..." he said with his swords drawn. I sensed something, but I couldn't quite pinpoint the location.

" mirror mirror on the floor
you don't know what you're in for...." I looked around after I heard that ominous voice whisper the poetic chant.
" where did that come from?!" I said, readying my sword. I got no answer. I turned around and Inoske wasn't there anymore.
"INOSKE WHERE ARE YOU?!" I shouted, making sure to keep my guard up.

"Mirror mirror on the floor
We may have never met before
Yes it's true you may not know me...
I know you and your story is gloomy
Take one look down and you will know
How for your people where willing to go..."

The Voice read in a poetic manner, I automatically look down and see my younger self, and then all I saw was the darkness.

I open my eyes to see my younger self crying over my dead parents body. It hurt to look at, but every time I saw that image it made me realize how quickly my life turned upside down. I blinked, and the scenery changed. I was crying and gasping for air down the street, running towards the city Council. Younger me busts through the doors.
" YOU HAVE TO HELP ME MY PARENTS ARE GOING TO DIE!!!" I shouted at the city Council. The main member got up and ran to my parents. By the time we got there the council noticed that my parents were long dead. Although they were dead when I found them, how was I supposed to know that I was a kid. Instead of showing sympathy for me, I remember the council head being furious.
" if you told us sooner, they would be alive right now you wanted them to die didn't you?!?"
He shouted at me . I was wide-eyed and speechless.
"N-no that's not true!!-" I shouted, growing angry at the fact that he thought I wanted them to die. "It's your fault. GET OUT OF THIS AREA NOW!" he shouted at me. I ran all the way to the woods and sobbed hours. At  such a young age. I clenched my hand into a fist, making my knuckles turn white from anger. I blinked in the scenery, changed once again. I don't remember this happening though....  

" we have to kill her she's dangerous!"
" are you sure she's just a kid!"
" he's right! She's obviously the perpetrator here!"
" demons obviously killed them!"
" we know that but she probably helped!"
" so we're really gonna kill her?!"
" yes, we are she's a danger to this village!"

The council was arguing over what to do with me . I stood there watching the scene. I never saw in utter shock.

" that night you ran you ran and ran and ran until you feel like your legs are gonna fall off. He ran away with your only belongings you can carry in
Your small hands and a picture of your parents..... do you see with these horrible people did to you? You were just a kid. How about you join me and destroying these disgusting people?" The demon said.  I grit my teeth and clench my knuckles tighter.

" I don't care about that...." I replied
"What?!" The demon shouted back, confused by my answer.

" I DONT CARE ABOUT THAT WHERE IS INOSKE!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE AND BRING ME TOO HIM NOW!!!" I shouted, furious. And just like that I was back in the forest. I feel my face and touch my body, realizing it was in the dream anymore. I look forward to see something that made my heart dropped into my stomach.

Inoske's bloodied body laying limp on the ground.
" INOSKE!!" I shouted running over to him holding him in my arms. He was okay.He was just unconscious. Thank God. This site only fueled my rage.
" You son of a bitch..." I said laying Inoske's body gently behind me laying my haori over him. 

"I'm going to kill you, you bastard!"

DUNN DUNNN DUNNNNNNN. I Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!! Sadly this is the last one for a while. (I'm gone through the 8th and 13th of February😭) but don't worry when I come back ( the 14th [my birthday!!!💗💗] aka Valentine's Day) I'll try to make a Valentine's Day special ( probably will come out shortly after the 14th)!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS AND WILL MISS YOU!! Have an amazing night/ day!! Until the next chapter readers!!!!

(1002 words)

Wild love ( Inoske x Femreader ) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ