Chapter 95

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im not dead!!!🎉🎊🍾 also im pretty mentally stable rn so my only reason for not writing is lack of motivation to.

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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I stand behind the door leading down into to Dining Room, out of sight from anyone in the room, my ear pressed against the door.

"-you want to know, Harry?" I hear the end of Sirius' question.

I timed this perfectly I suppose.

Harry asks Sirius, "Where's Voldemort? What's he doing?"

"He's hiding for the moment, because the Ministry is ignoring his return and he doesn't want that to change." Sirius explains to Harry.

I hear Remus, he told me to call him that during his first visit, talking too as he tells Harry, "You and Y/n really messed things up for him last year, Harry."

I grin to myself, it faltering when I remember why and how I messed up Voldemort's plans. My stomach churns and my heart clenches, but I ignore it and focus on listening.

"How?" Harry inquires Remus, with his unending curiosity.

Sirius answers for Remus, "The last person You Know Who wanted to alert was Dumbledore."

"And what's his plan?" Harry questions them.

Sirius states simply, "He's building up his army again, just like before."

"And your stopping him from gaining followers?" Harry asks.

There's a beat of silence then Remus says, "We're trying our best, but it's proving to be...difficult."

"You see, when the Ministry of Magic insists that Voldemort isn't back." Sirius explains to Harry.

Harry questions this, "But...why?"

Because Fudge is an idiotic coward that's why.

"Fudge likes being the Minister of Magic. If it turns out that Voldemort came back under his watch, he'll be sacked." Remus says.

Harry asks them, "But you're telling people, right?"

Sirius laughs outright. ...That would ruin our entire operation if they did. Is Harry even thinking logically?

"Well, they think I'm a mass murderer, Remus is a Werewolf, Tonks and Arthur would lose their jobs at the Ministry..." Sirius lists off.

I'm elated that I did make the right choice for Tonks to take my job, she has proven to be worthy as she joined the Order of the Phoenix right away and the Order of Merlin has been thriving.

Remus adds on, "But Dumbledore is doing all he can."

I cannot help but worry for the man. He is so much more than capable of protecting himself, though on this topic he is pushing the Ministry's limits.

"If he keeps it up, he might end up in Azkaban. And that would give You Know Who a clear field to-" Mr.Weasley stops himself short, just when he seemed he was going to spill a big piece of information.

Harry tries to get Mr.Weasley to finish his sentence, "What?"

"You Know Who wants something. Something he didn't have last time. A weapon." Sirius elaborates.

Harry, seeing the opportunity asks, "What kind of weapon?"

There's a beat of silence, making it known that is all that they are willing to inform Harry of.

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