Chapter 50

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how the hell am i halfway to 100 chapters and im only just starting the third book😔

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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The Slytherins snicker at Malfoy's expense, but I'm more worried about Harry. He is red in the face from embarrassment and is glaring at the ground.

"Don't pay any mind to that loser, Harry. Anyone would react like you did if they have had a Dementor suck the life out of them. He should not be acting all haughty with a homosexual as a Father, especially if he's the one receiving." I tell Harry comfortingly, my tone turning light hearted at the end.

Harry was looking happier, until I mention Mr.Malfoy's sexual preferences and sexuality. He looks away, his face expressing guilt and depression from what I said. It felt wrong coming out of my mouth, but...this is how I should be thinking, it is shameful for me to think otherwise. I will stand by it even if I have to live like Father is.

Just then a Hippogriff emerges from the forests. A Hippogriff has the hind legs, tail, and torso of a horse, but the front legs, wings, and head of a giant eagle. The class leaps back in fear, while I look on fascinated and in awe of the amazing beast.

Hagrid then steps out of the trees and shoos the Hippogriff along, smiling, "Gee up, there! Beau'ful, isn' he?"

It seems Hagrid is finally in his element. I am proud of him for getting this position, he deserves it. No one answers him, all sticking to staring at the beast in a wary awe. As Hagrid coaxes the beast to the center of the paddock, Ron stares at the Hippogriff uneasily. You know, for a boy whose older brother works with Dragons, Ron seems to not possess such a like for Magical Creatures.

"Hagrid. What exactly is that?" Ron asks him bewildered sounding.

Hagrid answers, finally seeming confident in himslef, "A Hippogriff, o' course. Now, firs' thing yeh gotta know is they're proud. Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don't ever insult one, 'cause it migh' be the las' thing yeh do. Right then- who wants ter come an' say hello?"

The entire class, besides Harry and I, steps back.

"Good men, Harry, Y/n! Now which of you's wants ter go firs'!" Hagrid asks us.

Harry looks around and reluctantly starts to walk forward, but I step in front of him and approach  the Hippogriff in a cautious manner. If he does not want to go up, I shall do it for him.

"Tha's it. Easy now...stop!" Hagrid orders, I do as he tells me to, and listen closely to what Hagrid says, "This here's Buckbeak, Y/n. Yeh want ter let 'im make the firs' move. It's polite, see? Jus' take step forward, give 'im a bow, and if Buckbeak bows back, yeh're allowed ter touch him. Ready?" Hagrid asks me.

I take a deep breath and nod confidently. I step forward, then give Buckbeak an elegant and deep bow. I hold the bow and tilt my head up meeting Buckbeak's eyes, he cocks his head, eagle eyes studying me cannily. I drop my head as to not insult the creature, and wait...and wait...

Abruptly Hagrid shouts at me, "Back off, Y/n! Back off!"

I stand up straight and start to step back, when Buckbeak ducks his beak, bowing towards me. I break into a relieved smile and Hagrid sighs, relieved as well.

"Well done, Y/n! Go on. Give 'im a pat." Hagrid urges me.

I tentatively reach my hand out and place it on Buckbeak's fierce beak. The class claps and I smile, proud of myself.

Hagrid tells me in his regular happy manner, "Look at that! I reckon he migh' let yeh ride 'im!"

I look back at Hagrid excitedly, and ask him,  "That would be wonderful, but will he really let me?"

"Only one way ter find out. We'll jus' set yeh behind the wing joint. Mind yeh don' pull any feathers out. He won' like that." Hagrid states this, then lifts me into the air and then onto Buckbeaks back, right where he said he would.

I blush a bit embarrassed to be picked up like a baby, because I'm thirteen, which is a teenager. If Father saw that he would have beat me then sent me to the gym in our house. I smile weakly at Hagrid in thanks.

Before I can settle onto Buckbeak, Hagrid slaps Buckbeak's behind exclaiming, "Off yeh go!"

Buckbeak gallops forward, I slide back, internally freaking out and unsure where to hold onto, so that I don't fall off. His giant wings unfold, huge and powerful. Then he soars into the air. I latch onto Buckbeak's neck as we fly higher, and higher. When the incline is not as steep, I slowly let myself loosen my hold on his neck. I find myself enjoying the freeing feeling of flying through the air. I, for once in my life, feel like I have no worries, nothing to hold me down, I feel like I am in control.

We circle the Whomping Willow, past Hogwarts Castle, and glide over Black Lake. Buckbeak's talons dip into the water and summon the Giant Squid that lives in Black Lake to the surface briefly. Buckbeak stops suddenly and gallops his way back to the paddock, slowing to a stop. I slide off of Buckbeak, and find myself still grinning wildly, as I had the whole time I flew. The class cheers and I laugh, adrenaline still coursing through my veins.

"Good work, Y/n!" Hagrid praises me, then asks under his breath, "How'm I doin' me firs' day?"

I smile at him and tell him, warmheartedly, "You did wonderfully, Professor."

We grin at each other, but are interrupted by Draco shoving through us and strides up to Buckbeak.

Draco announces to everyone, then talks to Buckbeak in a condescending tone, "Give me a go at that thing. If Merlin can do it, so can I. You're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute-"

"Malfoy, no!" Hagrid shouts at Draco, cutting him off.

In a flash, Buckbeak's steely talons slash down. Malfoy freezes, then looks down at the blood blossoming on his robes. The class shrieks and I instantly rush forward to stop Buckbeak, he bonded with me, so he might stop when he sees me. Buckbeak whips around, raising his talons and ready to strike...but as he sees me, Buckbeak ducks his beak, backing off. I heave a sigh of relief, turning to Draco and checking him over for injuries.

He flops himself onto me and I catch him, as he exclaims dramatically, "It's killed me! It's killed me!"

Hagrid comes up to us assuring him, "Calm yerself! Yer fine...jus' a scratch..."

I lift Draco's injured arm, carefully showing Hagrid the deep gash.

"Hagrid. He's got to be taken to the Infirmary. I'll go with you if you like-" Hermione starts to offer and gets cut off by Hagrid.

Hagrid tells her, "No. I'm the teacher. You all...You all just... Class dismissed!"

With that Hagrid looking shaken, lifts Draco out of my arms and onto his shoulder, like a sack of flour. Hagrid lumbers off towards the Castle. I feel bad for Hagrid it was going so well, but Draco had to ruin it all for his pride and jealousy. Why did that disgusting weasel even pretend to faint into my arms? It's not like we are at all close. I look over to my friends and find Harry walking off looking upset. I somehow feel like I caused this.

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