Chapter 27

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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Of course, Lockhart is the first to speak after our fates being sealed.

"It was definitely a curse that killed her- probably the Transmogrifian Torture. Encountered it myself once, in Ouagadougou. The full story's in my autobiography..." He trails off at the end from the irritated and unimpressed looks on everyone's faces.

This man is like a walking advertisement.

Dumbledore corrects him, "She's not dead, Argus. She's been petrified."

I try to stifle a laugh as Lockhart's been ignored completely.

Lockhart back peddles and tries to save his pride, "Precisely! So unlucky I wasn't there. I know the exact Counter Curse that would have spared her..."

Dumbledore spares the poor man's ego and tells us, "But how she's been petrified...I cannot say."

Such a fact is terrifying, one of the most powerful wizards in the world, does not know what caused this. Will this spread to the students? The thought sends a shiver down my spine. Harry and Hermione look scared as well. Ron's always scared of these horrible adventures we go on, so his reaction is not that surprising.

Filch points at Harry and insists, "Ask him! It's him that's done it. You saw what he wrote on the wall! Besides, he knows I'm- I'm a Squib."

Oh wow, I was not prepared for that. I look at Filch with pity. To be born into a wizarding family, without magic... He must have had a horrible life. He returns my looks with a vicious glare, welp I tried to pity him.

Harry quickly defends himself, "It's not true, sir! I swear! I never even touched Mrs.Norris- and I don't even know what a Squib is."

"If I might, Headmaster..." Snape speaks up, surprisingly.

Everyone turn to him as he emerges from the shadows like a supervillain.

"Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time..." Snape speculates.

My friends and I look at Snape in confusion, is he defending us but most of all, is he defending Harry? The student he hates the most?

He continues and starts incriminating Harry, and flushing out any respect I had for him for a moment, "However, the circumstances are suspicious. I, for one, don't remember seeing Potter at dinner."

Lockhart speaks up, "I'm afraid that's my doing, Severus. You see Harry was helping me answer my fan mail."

...There is so much wrong with what he just said. First, do not use first names with someone so formal who barely knows you. Second, using his first name sounds like Lockhart is looking down on Snape. Third, that punishment seems more like torture.

Snape's lips curl up in disgust at Lockhart, understandably angry and uncomfortable with him.

Hermione is quick to jump in, "That's why Ron, Y/n, and I went looking for him, Professor. We'd just found him when Harry said..."

I cut in, but maybe it was unnecessary since I could see Harry was about to, "He said that he thought I would be in detention. Since I punched Draco in the face the last time I saw him today. We were heading back to the Gryffindor Common Room and came upon Mrs.Norris. I would like to add that I am terribly sorry that this happened, Mr.Filch."

Filch scoffs at me. Snape's eyes study me coldly, I look over and see Dumbledore studying me as well. They both know I am lying. I straighten myself even more than usual and hold my head high. They both turn to Harry after a few seconds.

"Innocent until proven guilty." Dumbledore proclaims.

Filch is angered by this and bursts out, "My cat has been petrified! I want to see some punishment!"

"We will be able to cure her, Argus. As I understand it, Madam Sprout has a very healthy growth if Mandrakes. When they have matured, a potion will be made which will revive Mrs.Norris. In the meantime, I advise caution. To all." Dumbledore warns us.

I grab Harry and Hermione, knowing that Hermione will grab Ron, and lead them away with a brisk walk, from the angered Filch. After we are far enough, I let go of them and slow down to a leisurely stroll.

Ron turns to Harry and explains, "A Squib's someone who's born into a wizarding family but hasn't got any powers of their own. It's why Filch is trying to learn magic from a Kwikspell course. It's also why he hates students much. He's bitter."

Harry looks surprised that such a thing could happen. Hermione seems to only be half listening to Ron.

"Harry. This voice. You said you heard it first in Lockhart's office?" Hermione asks Harry.

He responds with a simple, "Yes."

"And did he hear it?" Hermione prods.

Harry states, "He said he didn't hear it."

Ron rolls his eyes and I scoff.

"Maybe he was lying." Ron says annoyed by the thought of Lockhart.

Hermione defends that pompous ass swiftly, "I hardly think someone with Gilderoy Lockhart's credentials would lie to one of his students, Ronald. Besides, if you recall, we didn't hear anything either."

Ron and I look at each other with annoyance at that dimwitted man.

Harry looks at Hermione warily, "You don't believe me do you?"

I smile at Harry and state, "Don't forget that you are not alone I heard it too."

Harry offers me a weak smile.

"It's just strange, isn't it? You both hear that voice, and then Mrs.Norris shows up petrified." Hermione states suspicious.

"I can't explain it- it was scary." Harry says quietly.

I add, "It was like a siren song. Pulling me in and I'm unable to not follow."

Harry frowns and questions, "D'you think I should've told them, Dumbledore and the others I mean."

"Are you mad!?" Ron whips his head to Harry and yells out.

Hermione calmly answers Harry, "No, Harry. Even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good sign."

I grimace at her choice of words and keep the fact that the voice we were hearing was speaking Parseltongue to myself... I'm still not entirely sure yet if that is true.

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