Chapter 56

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sorry that these are taking so long my bipolar medication stopped working😜 along with today my head continuously spinning so i cant move without needing to hurl rn im gonna try to write but it might suck ass. god hates me❤️

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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I wait in the Library with Nyx and Hermione for Harry to come to. I have showered and changed into dry clothing, hopefully I won't catch a cold from the match. Which we lost, of course. Since Harry fainted, I didn't get to score us enough points to win. Which is worse since Hufflepuff never really is hard to beat in Quidditch, their loving and compassionate hearts get in the way.

Back to Harry, Ron finds us and we rush to the Infirmary, and up to his bed.

"Madam Pomfry says he would wake up soon. We told Ron to go get you guys, wouldn't want Harry to miss his boyfriend too much, right Ron?" Fred teases cheekily.

I can feel myself heating up exponentially.

I compose myself, force the heat back, (i literally taught myself to do this lol) and scold him in a joking tone, "Now, now. Hasn't your Mother taught you to not let fantasies fog your head, Weasley."

"Looks a bit peaky, doesn't he?" Ron asks, cutting through our banter.

Fred looks at Ron incredulously, and states, "Peaky? What d'you expect him to look like? He fell fifty feet."

"Yeah, c'mon, Ron. We'll walk you off the Astronomy Tower and see how you come out looking. Maybe we can pay Y/n to catch you before you hit the ground too." George adds, mischievously.

I open my mouth to disagree, but immediately shift my attention when Harry speaks, "He'd probably be a right sight better than he normally is."

Harry slowly opens his eyes, I stand by the foot of his bed. If ,George and Fred have noticed my closeness to Harry, who knows who else will. I'm not ready for my friends or family to know I like males. Hell, I'm having a hard time coming to terms with it myself.

"Harry! How're you feeling?" Hermione asks, concerned for him.

Harry edges himself upwards and surveys the other patients. Beside him, a Hufflepuff is getting the spokes of an umbrella out of their neck. Granted, Harry looks just as bad. Pale sickly color to his skin, exhaustion evident in his eyes, and a complete mess, since he hasn't changed or showered yet.

Sarcastically Harry answers, "Brilliant."

I scoff and cross my arms. This boy, he always downplays his near death experiences, or any injury he gets.

"Gave us a right scare, mate." Fred scolds him jokingly.

Harry looks at all of us, inquiring, "What happened?"

I immediately tell him, unable to stop myself, "You went too far. The Dementors are not allowed there but it was far enough away from anyone, that no one would see or notice them coming to you, you looked the same as you did last time you were attacked by one. I saw your broom fall, and knew you would come after. So I flew over where you went up, and caught you as you fell. And the worst part is that no one has addressed why they are after you, or even given you compensation, just something! Anything, to show that they take responsibility for your life being put on the line from their stupidity! Not to mention Dumbledore waved me off after I saved you, and gave me nothing. Not even a glance. Nothing, about what he's going to do to stop you getting your soul sucked out, and I don't think he will at this point."

I pant after saying that all in one breath, pushing my hair back, and standing up straight. Everyone looks at me shocked and confused. I share the feeling. Why did I lose control of myself so easily? I have been able to keep myself silent and perfect my whole life before Hogwarts. Harry makes me lose my control on myself and my emotions.

The silence is deafening and I give a stiff nod to them all, turning on my heel and quickly striding out. I bump into Professor Lupin and continue past him, angrily. Angry with myself, and my unruly emotions. I pass the Library and someone grabs my arm.

I turn around and see Adelaide looking at me sweetly... I don't like seeing her anymore. But I need her, if I wish to ever be with Harry...I need a cover up. I give her a sad smile, and her's immediately drops, replaced with worry.

"I went here to see if you were here... Is Harry alright?" She questions me, placing a hand on my cheek, gently.

I cringe inside, but place my hand on top of hers.

Sighing, I tell her, "He's alright. I'm sure he will be back to normal soon. He has faced death too many times now, seems like he is immune."

I laugh slightly, she turns my face towards hers and asks, "Then what's bothering you? If you don't tell me, I can't help you."

"It-It's just that, why were the Dementors in a place they were not supposed to be? If Dumbledore had taken the correct precautions, after hearing about the train incident, Harry would not have been injured in the first place." I state, bitterly.

She huffs a little laugh, and says, "Maybe, he wanted to show off how brave you are. But, if you truly have an issue with it, go ask him yourself. I think it will do you, and this situation, some good."

I smile at her thankfully and hug her tightly, pulling back and walking off, towards Dumbledore's Office. Once I disappear from her sight, I head to my dorm room and wash myself again, feeling dirty from playing with her heart. After that, I can't find Nyx. I guess, even she thinks what I'm doing is wrong. I need to get myself out of this mess, I wish Mother would answer me. I could really use her advice right now.

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