Chapter 21

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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My eyes flutter open, to the annoyingly bright scene of the Infirmary. Not again. I try to get comfortable and go back to bed, but as soon as I move my head I shout out in pain. My eyes snap open and I smile widely. I start to cry from relief and slightly from the pain, because bloody hell it hurts. Madam Pomfry hurries over after hearing me move in bed.

"Oh! Oh thank Merlin. You're awake. Even Dumbledore was afraid that you would pass away." She tells me looking very relieved.

Madam Pomfry feeds me a potion and walks off to her next patient. I study ny hands and notice the burn marks from the rope on my wrist. Shivering in disgust of the memory. I can feel someone looking at me, so I look up at them. It's Dumbledore?

"Good evening, Mr.Merlin. How do you feel?" Dumbledore inquires me.

I grimace as I shift in in my bed, frustratingly saying, "I cannot say I am not in pain. I do not regret going with Harry though. But, I have a question... What did it look like? The back of Quirrell's head, I mean."

"Like Voldemort's face. Although, I'm sure you already knew that. All of your friends are safe and healed as well, except Harry he's very well but Madam Pomfry insists that he stays still. Just waiting for you to wake up and we can put this all behind us." Dumbledore replies with a passive smile.

I look out the window and sigh, "How long have I been unconscious? Also, has my Father written? If he has, burn any letters he sent. They are useless to me."

Dumbledore chuckles and says, "Then I shall burn them all. As for the first question you asked, you have been here sleeping, for two weeks."

I scoff and run my hand down my face in stress. If I have been out so long with such an injury, Ron and Harry must be fine by now. Quirrell was so unstable it's a given that Harry probably ended up injured.

"I see you and Potter have gotten the same treatment." Dumbledore states, gesturing to all of the letters and candies on my bedside table.

I look back at him confused, "Why?... What are these and why did Harry and I get these."

He smiles and replies, "They're letters from your admirers. Word got out about you and Potter facing Voldemort."

"But, I was hurt right away and Ron did more than I. Surely they think of me as weak to be hurt after a measly five minutes next to Voldemort." I try to reason.

He shakes his head and tells me, "Do not think so little of yourself. You are destined for greatness for you are Y/n Merlin."

With that he whisks away and leaves my head buzzing with questions and awe of his vast knowledge. I begin to open the letters, most are confessions of love from people I have never even looked in the eye before, others are people telling me how we should be friends. I decide none of them are worthy of a reply. letter catches my eye, a letter the color of a sunflower, it has little flowers drawn all over it. The others had little effort or thought put into them but this one, this was done with real care. I carefully open it with the letter opener I have been using to open all of the letters. I read it throughly.

'Dear Y/n The Wonderful,
       As I write this, I realize that you might not want to hear from me anymore. I ended our friendship on bad terms. The Malfoys are dangerous people. Draco had come to me after going into the Forbidden Forest,  furious and told me he informed your Father that you are close friends with a..."Mudblood". He explained how this would end with you in enormous amounts of trouble with your Father. I ignored his warnings, I should have listened. Your Father threatened me and my family, forcing my hand. I alienated myself from you and in turn hurt you. This keeps me up at night with worry. After hearing that you might not live, I thought that I could not live with myself if I did not come clean to you. I still wish to be friends, but in secret. We could send letters to communicate and notes in class. Maybe only talk in classes where Draco is not. Please except my apologies and I understand if you do not wish for us to speak anymore.

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