Chapter 54

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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As we walk to the Great Hall, I look out the windows, bars cover every entrance, Dementors securing every window. Once we get to the Great Hall, the Professors and Prefects move the tables out of the Great Hall and carry in sleeping bags, handing one to every student. I lay mine down right away, Kiara and Christopher find me quickly and put theirs' on either side of me. My best friends laying theirs' below mine.

When everyone settles, the lights blow out and all of the students get into their respective sleeping bags. I climb into mine and Nyx lays with me, I'm so glad I took her to dinner with me or she would be stuck alone in my dormitory. I try to calm myself and after a while of tossing and turning, much to Nyx's dismay, then I finally start to fall asleep.

But the opening of the Great Hall door, startles me awake, in fear that Black has come for Harry. I try to stay still and only listen, I can easily recognize any professor's voice, so if it's not one, or no one talks at all, then it's him.

"I've done the Dungeons, Headmaster. No sign of Black. Nor anywhere else in the Castle." I exhale and relax, it's only Professor Snape.

Dumbledore replies knowingly, "I didn't really expect him to linger."

"Remarkable feat, don't you think? To enter Hogwarts on one's own, completely undetected..." Snape conspires, even an idiot can tell that he's trying to insinuate something.

Dumbledore does not take the bait, so Snape continues, "You may recall, prior to the start of term, I did express my concerns when you appointed Professor-"

Dumbledore stops him from continuing, "I do believe, not a single professor inside this Castle would have helped Sirius Black enter it, Severus."

The answer of who they're talking about is obvious, he's the only new professor, his reaction to Harry saying Black is out to kill him makes sense now. Professor Lupin must have been friends with Sirius Black before he killed Harry's parents. When Lucius Malfoy was over last Summer, he explained how he went to school with Sirius and his betrayal was shocking, due to him being best friends with Harry's parents. Lupin must have been in their friend group as well.

If I remember correctly, Snape was bullied by Harry's Father and was in love with Harry's Mother. So no wonder he would try to insinuate that one of Harry's Father's friends did such a thing.

Dumbledore continues answering Snape, "No...I feel quite confident the Castle is safe. And I'm more than willing to let students return to their Houses. But tomorrow. For now, let them sleep..." Dumbledore walks towards Harry, Ron, and Hermione, then stops in front of them stating, "It's astonishing what the body can endure when the mind allows itself to sleep."

Well, that makes barely any sense. But, it did let me know that Harry is awake as well. They leave and I debate talking to Harry, deciding to do so in the morning. I find a good spot and drift off to sleep.

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When we wake, Dumbledore announces that we can return to our respective Common Rooms. I hug Christopher, then gather up my sleeping bag, I hand it off to McGonagall, and head off to the Gryffindor dormitories with Kiara and Nyx. The Fat Lady has been replaced by a knight, his horse nearby, as he constantly brandishes his sword at any student trying to get in. I say a random password he gives me, after he changes it three times, and go to my dormitory. Doing my morning routine, and changing my clothes. I grab my books for the day and leave Nyx behind, even though I want to keep her close just in case, I'm not allowed to. I leave through the painting and walk up to the small crowd around the new painting.

"Who dares challenge Sir Cadogan! Back, you scurvy braggarts! You rouges!" The man in the painting, apparently named, Sir Cadogan, threatens us.

Well, this is definitely different.

Seamus complains, "He's barking mad!"

Dean Thomas comments, "What d'you expect? After what happened to the Fat Lady, none of the other pictures will take the job."

"But he keeps changing the password. Twice this morning! I've taken to keeping a list." Neville states, annoyed and frustrated.

Neville holds up a paper, seemingly the list he's keeping of the passwords. It's a good idea, considering that Neville has very bad memory.

I shrug and add on, "He's better than nothing. I just hope he doesn't end up like the Fat Lady, or else we'll have no painting to let us in."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave then, Sir Cadogan bidding them goodbye, "Farewell, comrades! If you ever have need of noble heart and steely sinew, call upon Sir Cadogan!"

Ron sarcastically answers, "Yeah, we'll call you...if we ever need someone mental."

I head off with them to our first class, Defense Against the Dark Arts, with Professor Lupin... I wonder if he's being interrogated about Black? My question is answered as we enter the classroom and Lupin is no where to be seen and Snape has replaced him. Once class beings, Snape pulls down a screen over the blackboard.

He instructs sternly, "Turn to page 394."

The class, along with myself, eye Snape with guarded curiosity.

Harry addresses the elephant in the room right away, "Excuse me, sir, but...where's Professor Lupin?"

"That's not really your concern, is it, Potter? Suffice it to say, the Professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Page 394." Snape orders, strictly, then waving away a moth.

'Incapable of teaching'? That means, his absence has nothing to do with Black. So, why is he not here? Maybe he's sick?

Snape blows out a candle and the slide show on...Werewolves, begins. Why, Werewolves? That's far too advanced for us. Now that I think about it the full moon is soon. This thought sparks the sudden memory, Professor Lupin is afraid of the full moon... No... It can't be. Surely Dumbledore wouldn't hire a Werewolf... But it would make sense on why Lupin is absent, why he's afraid of the full moon, and why Snape is teaching us this so early. Holy shit, Professor Lupin, is a Werewolf.

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