Chapter 22

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🫠help I don't even know where I got the motivation to continue this story for this long

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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I walk briskly into the train station and quickly take out my luggage, "Accio cart."

Someone comes and takes my luggage putting it into the train, I brought it down myself since I do not want someone else to be handling my things. Scanning the crowd, I find a tuft of red hair and let that guide me on where to go. I mean, it's easy to avoid following the twins accidentally because they are so much taller than Ron, so this is an effective method to finding them most times.

I walk up to them and ask, "Are you all ready to leave? No one's left anything behind?"

Ron groans and replies, "No mum, we haven't."

I punch him in the shoulder lightly and they all laugh, along with myself.

"Come on now, hurry up. You'll be late. Train's leaving. Go on. Go on. Come on. Hurry up." Hagrid calls out to the students, including us still out of the train.

"Come on, Harry." Hermione urges, when she sees he is not following us to the train.

Harry turns around and says, "One minute."

The train's whistle blows and I walk on ready to go get us an empty cart. I find one after a bit of searching and sit down on the left, next to the window. Staring out the window and regretting burning those letters from my family, some could have been from the twins or Mother. Oh well, what's done is done. Hermione and Ron open the cart door and come in a moment later, sitting the same way we do in the Great Hall, Ron across from Hermione, and Hermione next to me. The train whistle blows again and starts moving a little along the tracks. Harry then runs into the cart and slams into his seat. I reach over and fix his glasses and smile satisfied, looking back out the window after. Ignoring Ron and Hermione's giggling and imagining what the Summer will hold.

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I must have fallen asleep on the train, because I'm shaken awake by Hermione saying, "Y/n we're at the station, come on. We won't have time to say goodbye in a bit."

"Alright, I'm getting up." I state groggy.

We walk outside together, and find Ron and Harry waiting for us.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye then." Ron says depressed looking.

Hermione scoffs and replies, "Oh, don't act so solum Ron. It's only for three months."

"Much too long in my opinion." I state.

She rolls her eyes at me and pushes my shoulder.

"Oh! Y/n, there you are! Kiara, Christopher, I found him!"

I turn around and see my Mother and the twins running up to me...but no Father. Mother hugs me tightly and I hug her back, albeit a little confused on where that sack of unbridled rage is.

"Hello Mother, wonderful to see you. Uh, sorry to be rude, but where exactly is Father?" I ask after pulling away from my Mother's warm hug.

She frowns at the mention of him and tells me, "With Lucius Malfoy, of course. They are never not together these days, it seems. If it were any other man I would have assumed he's cheating!"

She giggles at that and I laugh a little, thinking that I am pretty sure he is.

Hermione coughs and I turn around confused but quickly realize my lack of manners, "Ah, apologizes, Mother this is Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, and Harry Potter. Everyone this is my Mother, Katherine Merlin. Along with the twins, Kiara and Christopher."

They all exchange greetings and I hear someone calling Ron's name and others calling Hermione's.

"Oh, sorry I've got to go. It was nice meeting you all. Bye guys." Hermione says hugging Ron, Harry, and I.

Ron hugs Harry and I stating, "I have to go too, I'll write letters to stay in touch!"

He runs off and it's just Harry left.

"Harry dear, would you like us to help you find your family?" Mother asks him.

Harry looks panicked and says quickly, "No, I can see them over there."

I nod after seeing the obviously angered and disgusted Muggles near the entrance. I pull Harry into an embrace and whisper in his ear, "If you ever need to leave, my bedroom window will stay open for you. Goodbye Harry, and I will kill those petty Muggles if they hurt a hair on your head."

I pull away giving him a bright smile and he looks at me slightly terrified but also touched.

"Bye Y/n." And then he leaves as well.

"Do you like him Y/n?" Kiara asks innocently.

I whip around at her red and annoyed, "No I do not in the way you speak of. And even if I did, such a thing would be a stain to our family name, Father would absolutely forbid it. Even if such a thing is not wrong."

My Mother smiles at me apologetically and Kiara looks confused at me. But then thinks it over and looks upset, most likely at Father. We all head towards our limo and then home. After getting my luggage, of course. When we arrived, our head House Elf, Reina, takes my luggage upstairs. Most likely unpacking all of my belongings as well. My family has our first peaceful and happy dinner together in ages. Thank Merlin I went upstairs before Father came home, making me safe from his rage. Mother was not so lucky, as I heard her being hit and screamed at later in the night, after sending out letters to all of my friends. This is what I hoped to avoid happening this Summer.

Find Who You Are ( Harry Potter x Male Reader ) [VERY SLOW UPDATES]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα