Welcome to Paris

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The plane journey *ahem* flies by, and in what feels like a few minutes the crackle of the intercom rings through the cabin. "We are now beginning our descent to Paris Charles de Gaulle International Airport. Local time is 4:30 p.m."

I'd been busying myself with watching a movie, some random two hour long thing filled with unnecessary violence and gore. The sheer over exaggeration of the fight scenes was funny though. How the main character seemed to be invincible to anything, with others dying at a simple slap.

I'm wearing a simple black hoodie with dark grey jeans, the hood up, and Corbeau is nestled into the back of the hood, curled up into a ball to sleep.

As soon as the announcement has finished, I hear his tiny voice whisper in my ear. "Do you have any more candy?"

I chuckle, and reach inside my hood to pick him up. "Beau, we're still on the plane. We can buy some more when we land."

The plane curves downwards slightly, and I open the window to look out over the city.

Paris is simply beautiful. From the sky, its streets shine brightly in the daylight, a bright mix of pastel colours. The Eiffel Tower stands prominent against the backdrop, bronzed and solid. Cars fill every street, moving at a decent pace despite the sheer amount of vehicles.

The plane angles itself down even more, and pressure builds up in my ears as we gradually descend, the city lights getting closer and closer.

We hit the runway with a slight thump, and then the cabin vibrates powerfully as the wheels extend and we taxi into the exit area.


The moment I step off the plane, I immediately notice the change in clothing. People here dress so differently, in lighter tones of beige and brown, in light blues and yellows and reds. The colours blur into one big swirl, and I blink a few times to get over it.

I'm dressed differently compared to the rest of the people bustling around the airport - while they wear lighter-coloured clothes, I'm in dark shades of black and grey.

A group of older girls walk past, their heads turning not-so discreetly to me. "O.M.G! Is that- is that Y/N L/N?!" They stage whisper to each other.

Why not have some fun? I glance at them suggestively, and give them a wink. Their faces go bright red, and one of them even tries to approach me, but I just spin on my heel and leave. A grin spreads across my face as I do. I hate fangirls, but it's soooo fun to mess with them.

"Y/N, try to not draw so much attention!" Corbeau cowers just inside of my hoodie, whispering urgently. I try to shoot a glance at him without looking like a madman.

"Beau, you could've gone in the backpack. Don't complain now when you're worried."

As I walk through the open corridors, swathes of people turn to watch me in curiosity. I can almost hear their surprise, and their adoration. Their eyes run up and down my body, stare at my face.

It's almost funny how much attention I get, despite being a fifteen-year old. I don't even do that much - some acting, some modelling, some singing, and now I can't walk anywhere without being recognised.

Customs and Border control go by in only a few minutes - there's barely any other people arriving at this time. Lucky, because standing alone in a massive crowd is terrifying, and I would rather not deal with that.

Beau hides inside my hood, and when it's time to go through metal detectors and scanners he ducks down, hiding at the base of my neck.

I finally find the exit and walk out through huge glass doors, leaving the recycled air of the airport behind and taking my first breaths of Paris. The sun is out in all its glory. And, it's the weekend, so everybody's out of work.

Dire Raven (Miraculous Ladybug x male villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now