Back to School

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The next morning, I'm woken up by the insistent pinging of my phone alarm. With my eyes closed, I groan tiredly, reaching out a hand to blindly try to turn off the alarm.

Upon my movement, Beau starts shifting in the bed next to me, sighing deeply. I slap around a bit, but I can't touch anything, so I open my eyes.

Only to see bright rays of sun filtering past the curtain, and the time on my phone reading 9:40 a.m.

I immediately sit upright, double checking the time quickly to make sure I read it right. "Shit, I'm so late!" They would be in their second lesson right now, and once I got there they might have even moved onto breaktime.

Beau groggily flies from the covers, his wings curled around himself like mini blankets. One hand rubs at his eyes. "Where are we going?"

"School! Beau, I'm so late, what do I do!" I'm a bit panicked, needless to say. Being late to a modelling session is a big thing - I keep everyone waiting for me whenever I do, and it's even worse when I have to act or perform in front of them. So I have no idea what it's like, being late to school.

I hurriedly get ready, buttoning up a bell-bottomed white shirt and slipping a sleeveless sweater over it. I'm not really thinking about what I'm wearing, pairing it with a pair of baggy jeans and shouldering my schoolbag.

Beau hops inside one of the compartments, zipping it up behind him. "Try not to bump too much, I'm gonna try to sleep a bit more."

I smile, nodding even though he can't see me as I quickly brush my teeth and brush my hair. "Sure. I'll pick up those sweets after school, again only if I remember."

I get a mumbled 'thank you' in response, and Beau shifts around a bit more in the bag to get comfortable. I grab my phone from the desk, shoving it in my pocket. One last glance round the room, then I'm gone, running out the door and down the hallway towards the stairs.

The lift is probably slower, so I thunder down the steps, going down floor after floor and watching through each window as the ground gets closer. I sprint out of the huge hotel doors, getting a few strange looks from people dressed in suits in the lobby, and within a few seconds I'm tearing down the outside streets.

The books and things in my bag bob crazily, and I wince as I hear Beau yelp inside. Yet I can't stop my bag from bouncing on my back as I run towards the school.

There's few cars on the street, yet I can still feel people watching me as I run. Probably wondering why a model is running by himself with a schoolbag on his back. I try my best to ignore them, and it isn't hard today - all I can focus on is the rhythmic noise of my laboured breathing, and the thud of my shoes on the pavement.

The school gates loom ahead, beyond them the familiar set of columned steps leading up into the school. The bell rings just as I pass through the front gates, and soon enough groups of students flood out of the main doors into the courtyard for breaktime.

So, I'd missed the first two lessons of the day entirely. Great.

Upon seeing Marinette, Adrien, Nino and Alya come from the main doors and sit on the steps, a small smile comes onto my lips. Even though I've barely known these guys, they feel like proper friends.

"Hey, Y/N!" Nino waves at me, beckoning me over, and I smile as I walk to them. "Apparently you ditched those two yesterday, they were hella worried for you. Both of them were spamming the group chat with questions, like if we'd heard from you." He jerks a thumb at Adrien and Marinette.

I grin and glance at the two, who are both turning slightly red. "Speaking of that, you guys don't have my phone number yet!" I offer the group my phone. "Also, can I pleaaaase join the chat?"

Nino chuckles and takes the phone, typing in my contact. "Maybe if you're a good boy. You did miss the first two lessons..."

"Not my fault I overslept." I pout jokingly as he gives me back my phone. "I'm a busy man."

"Who else's fault would it be that you overslept?" Nino questions, continuing to type on the phone as I'm added to a group chat with four other people in.

I groan lightheartedly. "Blame it on my agents. They're supposed to be doing everything for me anyway."

Everyone chuckles at that, and the smile on my face widens slightly. It's a relief to be back in school, and the calm environment helps me to forget about the stress of the past few days. Well, as calm as school can get anyway.

Hopefully this can last for a bit. I do need a break... then after I'm back to getting Wolf back. "I wonder if he'll forgive me after so long?" I mutter under my breath.

"Y/N?" All four of them are looking at me, Adrien and Marinette with concerned looks and Alya and Nino with more of a parental gaze. "What was that?"

I blush a deep red, feeling my neck on fire. Probably shouldn't say stuff out loud. "Uh, nothing?" I smile awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck. "Just thinking out loud."

None of them look convinced. Nino and Alya try to change the conversation, talking about the classes they'd had this morning and the material I'd missed, but Marinette and Adrien catch my eye. They're both looking at me strangely, staring at my face with some kind of look in their eyes.

Not like I hadn't seen that look before of course, on the faces of fans who think I'm some sort of demigod, like Aphrodite's son or something. But it's strange seeing two of my friends get so... distracted.

"H-hello?" I wave a hand in front of Marinette, then Adrien. "You guys okay?"

They snap out of it instantly, shooting embarrassed glances at me. Aaaaand we move on. "Good to see you aren't dead yet. Anyway, Nino, what were you saying about the stuff I missed in chemistry?"

Nino starts to talk my ear off with all the chemistry terms I have no idea about, and with a grateful look at him, the two of us start to walk back into the school. The other three follow as well, talking cheerfully between themselves. 

Dire Raven (Miraculous Ladybug x male villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now